Using Reflection.PropertyInfo

I need to go through the properties of an object and set the values ​​to 2 for each property.

for example you have a car class:

 Class car
  Property Wheel1 As Wheel
  Property Wheel2 As Wheel
  Property Wheel3 As Wheel
  Property Wheel4 As Wheel
 End Class


and each wheel has a set of properties:

 Class Wheel
  Property size As Integer
  Property type As Integer
 End Class


is there a way to dynamically scroll an object with wheels and set all of its wheels to size = 5 and type = 1.

this is where i got stuck trying to get it to work:

 Dim ThisCar As New car
  Dim Wheels() As Reflection.PropertyInfo = ThisCar.GetType().GetProperties()
  Dim i As Integer = 0
  Do Until i = Wheels.Count
   Dim TempWheel As Reflection.PropertyInfo = Wheels(i)

   Dim WheelProps() As Reflection.PropertyInfo = TempWheel.GetType().GetProperties()

   i = i + 1



are not properties from the wheel as needed ...


source to share

1 answer

You should use TempWheel.PropertyType () and not just TempWheel.GetType (), or just set the Wheel:

foreach(var pInfo in typeof(car).GetProperties()
  if(pInfo.PropertyType == typeof(Wheel))
    // Get the value of existing wheel
    var wheel = (Wheel)pInfo.GetValue(ThisCar);

    // Set the value of wheel
    wheel.size = 5;
    wheel.type = 1;

    //pInfo.SetValue(ThisCar, new Wheel() {size = 5, type = 1}, null);


But why not implement a car with List<Wheel>




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