Evaluate matrix expression at grid points with Julia

I had a small (possibly inefficient) Matlab code that generated a matrix of values โ€‹โ€‹of the product function of the grid points of the grid. For example:

N = 2 ;
r = -N:N ;
[X1, X2] = ndgrid( r, r ) ;
f = @( x ) ( x ) ; % identity: dummy function for this example.
f( X1 .* X2 )



X1 =

    -2    -2    -2    -2    -2
    -1    -1    -1    -1    -1
     0     0     0     0     0
     1     1     1     1     1
     2     2     2     2     2

X2 =

    -2    -1     0     1     2
    -2    -1     0     1     2
    -2    -1     0     1     2
    -2    -1     0     1     2
    -2    -1     0     1     2

ans =

     4     2     0    -2    -4
     2     1     0    -1    -2
     0     0     0     0     0
    -2    -1     0     1     2
    -4    -2     0     2     4


It was based on this answer and this Matlab Calculate function using gridded domain text.

I can implement this in Julia with a bunch of looping over a grid:

N = 2 ;
r = -N:N ;
twoNplusOne = 2*N + 1 ;

F = zeros( twoNplusOne, twoNplusOne ) ;
f = identity ; #say
for n = 1:twoNplusOne
   for m = 1:twoNplusOne
       F[ n, m ] = f( r[n]*r[m] ) ;



... but was wondering if there is a more natural (and efficient) way to do this in Julia?


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2 answers

Not sure if this is the canonical Julian approach, but you can use broadcast


julia> broadcast((x,y)->f(x*y), -N:N, (-N:N)')
5x5 Array{Int32,2}:
  4   2  0  -2  -4
  2   1  0  -1  -2
  0   0  0   0   0
 -2  -1  0   1   2
 -4  -2  0   2   4


where i used '

to rotate a range from one dimension (5,)

to one of (1,5)

. In fact, in this particular case, since the function takes a scalar argument and only depends on the product of your X1 and X2, we could even get away with

julia> f((-N:N) .* (-N:N)')
5x5 Array{Int32,2}:
  4   2  0  -2  -4
  2   1  0  -1  -2
  0   0  0   0   0
 -2  -1  0   1   2
 -4  -2  0   2   4


but this does not have to be true in general.



The correct way is to use a list / matrix comprehension:

[i*j for i in -2:2, j in -2:2]


or for a more general function

f(x,y) = x*y
[f(i,j) for i in -2:2, j in -2:2]




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