Drag surface

I need to get the dragging position of a dragged panel. But I cannot figure out how to do this. I tried to get the style, but I have unrelated information.

Here is my xhtml:

<h:form id="dnd">

   <p:panel id="draggable1" 
            style="z-index:1; width: 60px; height: 60px;">
       <h:outputText value="CAM-1" />
       <p:draggable for="draggable1" 
                    revert ="false"/>

   <p:panel id="droppable" 
            style="z-index:1; width: 600px; height: 600px;">
      <p:droppable for="droppable"> 
          <p:ajax listener="#{myBean.onDrop}" />



Here is my bean support:

public void onDrop(DragDropEvent dragDropEvent) {
    String dragId = dragDropEvent.getDragId();

    UIComponent draggedItem = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot().findComponent(dragId);

    Panel draggedPanel = (Panel) draggedItem;

    String style = draggedPanel.getStyle();

    String styleClass = draggedPanel.getStyleClass();


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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1 answer

PrimeFaces uses jQuery UI .droppable()

to get the position, you have to change the event binding in PrimeFaces.widget.Droppable

, this is done in bindDropListener


After adding a couple of query parameters to the original query, do it, here's an example:

PrimeFaces.widget.Droppable.prototype.bindDropListener = function() {
   var _self = this;

   this.cfg.drop = function(event, ui) {
       if (_self.cfg.onDrop) {
           _self.cfg.onDrop.call(_self, event, ui);
       if (_self.cfg.behaviors) {
           var dropBehavior = _self.cfg.behaviors['drop'];

           if (dropBehavior) {
               var ext = {
                    params: [
                       {name: _self.id + '_dragId', value: ui.draggable.attr('id')},
                       {name: _self.id + '_dropId', value: _self.cfg.target},
                       {name: ui.draggable.attr('id') + '_left', value: ui.position.left},
                       {name: ui.draggable.attr('id') + '_top', value: ui.position.top}

                dropBehavior.call(_self, ext);


This change adds two more parameters to the ext

query parameters , where the position of the item being dragged is present (left, top).

On the other side of the event, onDrop(DragDropEvent dragDropEvent)

you can find them as request parameters, as I mentioned.

public void onDrop(DragDropEvent dragDropEvent) {
    String dargId = dragDropEvent.getDragId();
    Map<String, String> params = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap();
    String left = params.get(dargId + "_left");
    String top = params.get(dargId + "_top");


Note: the ajax event must be present in p:droppable

(as in the question)

You can find a small example on github and a working demo .



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