Using pointer syntax in an array

I have some problem understanding the use of pointer syntax in context with 2-D arrays, although I am comfortable with 1-D character and array pointers, below is one of the syntaxes and I cannot figure out what the following expression looks like: evaluated.

To access the element stored in the third row of the second column of array a , we will use the indexed notation as a [2] [1] Another way to access one element is



and if we want to use it as pointers we will do it like



Although I can figure out the replacement *(a[2]+1)

how *(*(a+2)+1)

, but I don't know how it is evaluated. Please explain please an example. Suppose the array is in line order and contains the following elements

int a[5][2]={


and the base address of the array is 100 (assume) , so the address is a [2] 108 (size int = 2 (another guess)) So, the expression*(*(a+2)+1). How does it gets evaluated does it start from the inside bracket and if it does then after the first bracket we have the value to which 1 is being added rather than the address... :/


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2 answers

To start with

a[i] = *(a+i);



a[i][j] = *(a[i] +j)



a[i][j] = *(*(a+i) + j) 


Like a [i] = * (a + i):

If a

is an array then the starting address of the array is given &a[0]

or justa

Therefore, when you specify


this will decay the pointer operation *(a+i)

, which starts at the location a

and plays out the pointer to get the value stored in the location.

If a memory location a

, then the value stored in it is determined *a


Similarly, the address of the next element in the array is given

&a[1] = (a+1); /* Array decays to a pointer */


Now the location where the item is stored, given by &a[1]

or (a+1)

, so the value stored in that location is determined by *(&a[1])


For example:

int a[3];


They are stored in memory as shown below:

  a    a+1   a+2
| 100 | 102 | 104| 
 &a[0] &a[1] &a[2]


Now a points to the first element of the array. If you know the operations of the pointer a+1

, you get the next location, etc.

The 2D arrays below show what access is:

int arr[m][n];

        will be pointer to first sub array, not the first element of first sub 
        array, according to relationship of array & pointer, it also represent 
        the array itself,

        will be pointer to second sub array, not the second element of first sub 

        will be pointer to first element of second sub array,
        according to relationship of array & pointer, it also represent second
        sub array, same as arr[1],

        will be pointer to third element of second sub array,

        will get value of third element of second sub array,
        same as arr[1][2],




A 2D array is actually a sequential piece of memory. Let me give you an example: int a[3][4]

represents in memory a unique sequence of 12 integers:

a00 a01 a02 a03 a04 a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a20 a21 a22 a23 a24
|                   |                   |
first row           second row          third row


(of course it can be expanded to any muti-dimensional array)


is an array of int[4]

: it decays to a pointer to int[4]

(in fact it decays to &(a[0])



- the second line. It splits to int *

, indicating the start of the first line.

Even if arrays are not pointers, the fact that they decay into pointers allows them to be used in pointer arithmetic: a + 1

is a pointer to the second element of array a.

Anything that explains why a[1] == *(a + 1)

The same reasoning can be applied to a[i] == *(a+i)

and from there to all the expressions in your question.

Let's look specifically at *(*(a+2)+1)

. As stated above, a + 2

is a pointer to the third element of the array int 4

. So, *(a + 2)

is the third line, is an array int[4]

, and breaks down into int *

: &(a[2][0])


Since *(a + 2)

breaks up int *

, we can still use it as a basis for the pointer arithmetic, and *(a + 2) + 1

- a pointer to the second element of the third row: *(a + 2) + 1 == &(a[2][1])

. Just play it all out and we'll get it

*(*(a + 2) + 1) == a[2][1]




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