EJB wraps all exceptions in EJBException

Assuming I have @Stateless bean :

public interface A {
    public void check() throws MyException {

public class AImpl implements A {
    public void check() throws MyException {
        try {
            data = getDataFromService();
        } catch (RException e) {   
            throw new MyException(e);



public class MyException extends Exception{}
public class RException extends RuntimeException{}


When I inject this bean into some other class using @EJB annotation and execute check () method, I get EJBException with MyException as reason ...

public class B {
    @EJB private A a;
    public void start() {
        try {
        } catch (MyException e) {


How can I get this to throw the correct exception?

Any ideas how to get this to work well?

Is there a way to make it work without catching the EJBException and throwing the cause of the exception?


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1 answer

I am assuming your MyException

extends RuntimeException

and hence this is a thrown exception. in this case, you can annotate your exception with annotation @ApplicationException

. As a result, the exception will be an application exception rather than a system exception. When a system exception is thrown, it is wrapped in an EJBException, but application exceptions are passed directly to the client.



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