Ionic structure ionSlideBox: how to change slide after ng-click button?

i the ionic component SlideBox is implemented:

I would like to do a slide (forward or backward) after a button is pressed (not just after gestures), and how can I do that?

Thanks a lot for any example.


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1 answer

Yes, if you read the included page, you will see a link to $ionicSlideBoxDelegate

. With this delegate, you can do:

<button ng-click="slidePrevious()">Previous</button>
<button ng-click="slideNext()">Next</button>



.controller('MyCtrl', ['$scope', '$ionicSlideBoxDelegate', function($scope, $ionicSlideBoxDelegate) {

    $scope.slidePrevious = function() {


    $scope.slideNext = function() {



Checkout this code using a working example.



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