Why do these two have different meanings?

Double milisecondsInYear = 365*24*3600*1000;


it 1.7e9

But if I used

Double milisecondsInYear = 365*24*3600*1000.;


I got the correct answer 3.15E10


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5 answers

Since 365

, 24

, 3600

and 1000

- all int

literals, the calculation is performed using int

s. Overflow overflows because the true value is over Integer.MAX_VALUE

. By placing a period at the end, you turn that last literal into a literal double

. This is not a very reliable way to fix this, because the multiplication of the first three numbers is still done with int

s. The best way to handle this is to make the first number a long

or double









Due to overflow. 365*24*3600*1000

does not fit into an int (which is a 32 bit value). If you write that in quality 365L*24*3600*1000

, then the required promotions will be performed in the correct order, and the result will be long

that can correspond to this number.

On the second line, you have an extra character, a dot at the end - this makes the number a floating point number, so you lose precision, but you can actually do multiplications.



Numbers in Java are int

s unless you specify otherwise.

When you add .

, you will have the double

computation (since 1000.0

is double

) instead int

, which is appropriate (as opposed to int




The former does integer math because all numbers are integers, the result is an integer (which is then expanded to double

). The result range is int

insufficient for the result. A double

or long

. So you can also use

double millisecondsInYear = (365L * 24 * 3600 * 1000);


to expand to long

. The above also outputs "3.1536E10".



The order or rating differs depending on the types you use. This is why you get different answers.



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