Session details lost after loading Word document from load balanced servers

We recently ported a load balanced web application. The document is dynamically generated from the database using XML formatting and loaded with a application/msword

MIME type . This works in Chrome, but in IE8 and possibly other versions of IE, the document loads, but when a link is clicked on the page, the user is redirected to the login screen.

When inspecting HTTP headers using Fiddler, it appears that the server is throwing a 405 HTTP status code (method not allowed) and the load balancer switches to an alternate server that does not contain user session data, so it issues it from the system, Why is the 405 status code is only issued for IE browsers and why should it force the load balancer to switch servers?

IIS 7.5 server with ColdFusion 9.

This is the HTTP header information written before the response data.

<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value='inline; filename="#CreateUUID()#.doc"'>
<cfcontent type='application/msword'>


Has anyone else experienced this with a similar server setup (not necessarily ColdFusion or IIS)? While Chrome is a workaround, our users may not have sufficient access to install non-IE browsers.


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2 answers

Add Microsoft Office MIME types to IIS, but use "application / vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" instead. This replaces the mimetype "application / msword"

Below is a complete list of office mimisters:

Following are the steps to add mimetype to IIS:



I seem to have solved this problem by changing the Content-Disposition header from string to attachment so that the entire upload is handled in one request and one session.

<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value='attachment; filename="#CreateUUID()#.doc"'>




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