How to use source files with gulp-sass + gulp-minify-css + autoprefixer + rename?

I am currently using a gulp workflow that uses a method createSassTask()

to create a task for each of several different httpddocs directories in the same project. Below is my current one gulpfile.js


var package = require('./package.json'),
    gulp = require('gulp'),
    sass = require('gulp-sass'),
    autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer'),
    concat = require('gulp-concat'),
    uglify = require('gulp-uglify'),
    rename = require('gulp-rename'),
    minifyCSS = require('gulp-minify-css'),
    notify =  require('gulp-notify');

function createSassTask(directory) {
    var taskName = 'sass-'+directory;
    gulp.task(taskName, function() {
        return gulp.src('./'+directory+'/media/sass/**/*.scss')
            .pipe(sass({errLogToConsole: true}))
            .pipe(autoprefixer('last 4 version'))
            .pipe(rename({suffix: '.min' }))
            .pipe(notify('SASS compiled for ' + directory));
    });'./'+directory+'/media/sass/**/*.scss', [taskName]);

gulp.task('default', function () {


What's the best way to use sourcemaps with tasks like this? I tried to use gulp-sourcemaps

, but I need to be able to wrap functions in init()

and write()

around sass, autoprefixer, minifyCSS, and rename. I don't think minifyCSS or rename support gulp-sourcemaps

. Is there another way?


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2 answers

You depend on sourcemaps support on every single gulp-plugin you use in your pipeline.

A complete table of supported plugins can be found here .

This is a known issue, also when you, for example, @import

your Sass files. See this on GitHub where they use a (ugly) way to resolve this by creating source maps twice so that it wraps around each plugin so to speak.



When gulp - * plugins (gulp -less, gulp-concat, gulp-minify-css, ...) have sourcemaps support , it should "work".

My problem was that I was using older versions of these individual gulp plugins - *. Sourcemaps were added later in later versions. Always make sure you are using the latest version of gulp plugins - * (with sourcemaps support).



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