Polish letters don't work in MZ 320 CPCL

I downloaded Times New Roman font to my Zebra printer and when I click Printout Example (sorry for bad translation) it prints latin letters, but when I use CPCL command it doesn't work.

An example of my code:

"! 0 200 200 250 1\r\n"
+ "CENTER\r\n"
+ "ML 40\r\n" + "T TIMESNEW.CPF 0 0 20\r\n"
//Date doesn't work on this font, dunno why
+ "TEST !<DATE\r\n"
+ "ŁŃŚĆŻŹĆ\r\n" //(Polish letters)
+ "0123456789\r\n"
+ "ENDML\r\n"
+ "PRINT\r\n";



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1 answer

The answer is simpler than I thought.

We have to declare a byte array, then we have to do something like this:

ByteArray = PrintedText.getBytes(Charset.forName("CP1250"));


This is our result.

I found there



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