Vim Clojure Cider Fireplace connect requires a port to be specified

I have installed Vim + Cider + Fireplace for Clojure. According to the cider-nrepl docs I added:

{:user {:plugins [[cider/cider-nrepl "0.8.2"]]}}


to my ~/.lein/profiles.clj

. I did:

lein new app myapp
cd myapp
lein repl


Everything looks fine. I can see, however, when I do :Connect

, it only connects if I specify the port. Is there a way to auto-detect the REPL port?


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1 answer

Yes there is.

Usually, when you start lein repl

, leiningen creates a file named .nrepl-port

at the root of your project directory, the contents of which should just be an open port as a whole. You can also manually create this file and populate it, but be aware that Leiningen will overwrite this file with whatever port the nREPL server listens on at startup lein repl




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