Can I manually hardcode the JSON object that the ASP.NET Web API will return?

I use this in Django (similar to Ruby on Rails) where in some cases I need to hard-code a JSON response object in order for the client to interpret, but I have searched all over the internet for figuring out how to do this with ASP.NET Web API and I can't find anything on this, the ASP.NET Web API seems to force me to create a class to represent the JSON response for each URI controller.

For example, here's the only way I know to manually create a JSON response:

1.) First I need to create a class to represent the response object

public class XYZ_JSON
    public string PropertyName { get; set; }
    public string PropertyValue { get; set; }


2.) Then I need to write the URI controller correctly that will return "XYZ_JSON" which I just defined above:

// GET: api/ReturnJSON
public XYZ_JSON Get()
    XYZ_JSON test = new XYZ_JSON { PropertyName = "Romulus", PropertyValue = "123123" };

    return test;


A response will be received with an HTTP message:

200 OK {"PropertyName":"Romulus", "PropertyValue":"123123"}

This whole class for the JSON design pattern is cool and that's it, but it doesn't help and actually makes things much worse when trying to return a class as a JSON object with many classes inside it, for example:

public class XYZ_JSON
    public string PropertyName { get; set; }
    public string PropertyValue { get; set; }
    public List<ComplexObject> objects { get; set; } // <- do not want


The JSON response object above is not that complicated, but for what I am trying to accomplish, I will need to put the list of classes in the list of classes in the list of classes, and I cannot work out this awkwardly unless I spend a week on it, which is ridiculous.

I need to return a JSON response this way:

// GET: api/ReturnJSON
public JSON_Response Get(string id)
    // do some SQL querying here to grab the model or what have you.

    if (somethingGoesWrong = true)
    return {"result":"fail"}
    return {"result":"success","value":"some value goes here"}


The design pattern above is what I am trying to accomplish with ASP.NET Web API, a very simple way to return a semi-hard encoded JSON response object that will allow me to return very unique and dynamic responses from a single URI. There will be many use cases when a list of 8 unique class objects is returned.

Also, if what I am trying to accomplish is the reverse way of doing things, then that's fine. I have released a very successful and stable iOS app with a flawless Django back-end server that does a great job with this without issue.

Can someone explain to me how I can return a simple hardcoded JSON response using ASP.NET Web API?



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5 answers

You can create anonymous types in C # so that you can use one of them to get a hardcoded result. For example:

return new JsonResult
    Data = new
        result = "success",
        value = "some value"


To clarify, the above code is for ASP.NET MVC. If you are using the Web API, you can simply return a data object or use IHttpActionResult

. The anonymous type ( new {}

) part remains the same.



Use anonymous object.

public object Get(string id)
    // do some SQL querying here to grab the model or what have you.

    if (somethingGoesWrong = true)
    return new {result = "fail"}
    return new {result = "success", value= "some value goes here"}




You can use a generic JObject to return your values โ€‹โ€‹without building the complete class structure as shown below.

public JObject Get(int id)

        return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JObject>(@"{""result"":""success"",""value"":""some value goes here""}");





For a hardcoded answer, why not just do something like below. JSON content will be returned without quotation marks.

    public HttpResponseMessage Get()
        string content = "Your JSON content";
        return BuildResponseWithoutQuotationMarks(content);

    private HttpResponseMessage BuildResponseWithoutQuotationMarks(string content)
        var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
        response.Content = new StringContent(content);
        return response;

    private HttpResponseMessage BuildResponseWithQuotationMarks(string content)
        var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, content);
        return response;




// GET: api/ReturnJSON
public JsonResult Get()
   return Json(new {Property1 = "Valu1", Properrty2 = "Value2"});


You can return json using JsonResult class. and the Json () method takes an anonymous abject so you don't need to create a class.



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