Optimizing histogram intersection kernel in MATLAB

I want to try an svm classifier using histogram intersection kernel for a dataset of 153 images, but it takes a long time. This is my code:

a = load('...'); %vectors
b = load('...'); %labels
g = dataset(a,b);

error = crossval(g,libsvc([],proxm([],'ih'),100),10,10);
error1 = crossval(g,libsvc([],proxm([],'ih'),10),10,10);
error2 = crossval(g,libsvc([],proxm([],'ih'),1),10,10);


My kernel implementation in proxm function:

case {'dist_histint','ih'}
    if (d ~= d1)
        error('column length of A (%d) != column length of B (%d)\n',d,d1);

    % With the MATLAB JIT compiler the trivial implementation turns out
    % to be the fastest, especially for large matrices.
    D = zeros(m,n);
    for i=1:m % m is number of samples of A 
        if (0==mod(i,1000)) fprintf('.'); end
        for j=1:n % n is number of samples of B
            D(i,j) = sum(min([A(i,:);B(j,:)]));%./max(A(:,i),B(:,j)));


I need some matlab optimizer for this code!


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1 answer

You can get rid of this kernel loop to compute D

using bsxfun

based vectorized


D = squeeze(sum(bsxfun(@min,A,permute(B,[3 2 1])),2))


Or avoid squeeze

with this modification -

D = sum(bsxfun(@min,permute(A,[1 3 2]),permute(B,[3 1 2])),3)


If calculations D

include max

instead min

, just replace @min

with @max


Explanation: The principle of operation bsxfun

is that it expands the dimensions of the Singleton and performs the operation specified in @

within its call. Now this extension is mainly about how to get vectorized solutions that replace for-loops. In singleton dimensions

arrays, we mean dimensions 1


In many cases the dimensions of the singleton are not yet present and for vectorization with bsxfun

we need to create singleton dimensions

. One of the tools for this is permute

. It's basically all about how the previously applied vector approach will be used.

So your kernel code is -

case {'dist_histint','ih'}
    if (d ~= d1)
        error('column length of A (%d) != column length of B (%d)\n',d,d1);

    % With the MATLAB JIT compiler the trivial implementation turns out
    % to be the fastest, especially for large matrices.
    D = zeros(m,n);
    for i=1:m % m is number of samples of A 
        if (0==mod(i,1000)) fprintf('.'); end
        for j=1:n % n is number of samples of B
            D(i,j) = sum(min([A(i,:);B(j,:)]));%./max(A(:,i),B(:,j)));


boils down to -

case {'dist_histint','ih'}
    if (d ~= d1)
        error('column length of A (%d) != column length of B (%d)\n',d,d1);
    D = squeeze(sum(bsxfun(@min,A,permute(B,[3 2 1])),2))
    %// OR D = sum(bsxfun(@min,permute(A,[1 3 2]),permute(B,[3 1 2])),3)


I'm guessing the line: is if (0==mod(i,1000)) fprintf('.'); end

not important to the computation as it prints some kind of message.



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