How to exclude a transaction from the result file

During test execution jmeter. I want to exclude a transaction to be saved to a jtl file. Does anyone know how we can fix this problem.


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1 answer

The easiest way to delete a transaction is to just delete it from jtl after test. Obviously, this is cumbersome to do manually with large files.

If you are on Linux, you can run something like this:

grep -v [your excluded sampler name] [your jtl name] > [new jtl name]


This is especially useful if you are executing your scripts from a CI tool — it's just another step in the task. For example, many of my scripts use BeanShell Samplers. I don't want to include them, so I will preface them all to "(BS)". In my Jenkins job, I run the command

grep -v "\(BS\)" /Results/my_job.jtl > /Results/NoBS_my_job.jtl

When I start the reporter, I just call the version NoBS_my_job.jtl




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