How can you change the default string length (varchar) of all created columns?

When you create a migration in rails and specify the rows, the default column length is 255. Is there a way to set all generated columns that do not specify a length to default to some other number?

Overall 255 is great, but in my situation I need to switch the encoding for string columns to utf8mb4, and when I break this indexes, since the index cannot be longer than 767 bytes:

Mysql2::Error: Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes

Since utf8 is stored as 3 bytes, so 3 * 255 = 765

, but utf8mb4 is 4 bytes, so 4 * 255 = 1020

that will fail.

So, as soon as I change database.yml

to use the encoding utf8mb4

when I reload the schema objects, they fail when they try to load the indexes.


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3 answers

It is possible to force Rails to use 191 length for varchar columns. First, create an initializer where you will override the default varchar length. I created mine in config/initializers/schema_string_limit.rb


ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::AbstractMysqlAdapter::NATIVE_DATABASE_TYPES[:string] = {
  name: 'varchar',
  limit: 191


Now re-create the database and run all migrations:

rake db:drop
rake db:create
rake db:migrate


Make sure you are using rake db:migrate

instead rake db:schema:load

. We need to force Rails to run all migrations again, since the existing one schema.rb

already reflects a size of 255. When you migrate with the new defaults, you will have a new schema.rb

one that uses a length of 191 so you can simply load the schema from now on.



You can do two things:

  • you can limit your index, so it will only check the first x-characters:

    add_index(:name1, :name2, length: 250)

  • change the whole line with a different limit

    change_column :table1, :name1, :string, :limit => 250

    change_column :table1, :name2, :string, :limit => 250



Doing this in a migration file is very easy.

create_table :articles do |t|
 t.string :title, :null => false
 t.text :details, :limit => 3000, :null => false




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