Rails Active Admin only displays the last field when I create my form. Resolution settings not accepted: page margin

I have 2 problems.

1) formtastic will only show the last input field, not all of them. In this case, it will only display:

          r.input :sort_order


2) I had to do some wierd wrap f.inputs around each field to get it to appear, which I think is wrong. But when I submit the form, it says "Non-Pass Parameters: Page". When I have clearly defined the page, I don't know how else to get the access parameters to accept this.

Here is my model

    class Fact < ActiveRecord::Base
      has_one :page, as: :pageable, dependent: :destroy
      accepts_nested_attributes_for :page


Another model:

    class Page < ActiveRecord::Base
      belongs_to  :pageable, polymorphic: true


My active admin:

    ActiveAdmin.register Fact do
      permit_params :id, page_attributes: [:type, :name,  :description :sort_order ] 

      form do |f|
        f.inputs "My Page", for: [:page,       f.object.page || Page.new] do |r|
          r.input :name
          r.input :description
          r.input :sort_order



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