Reading a named pipe continuously

What's the best way to continuously read a named pipe in Python?

This is my current code:

def read_commands():
        print "Creating read pipe..."
        os.mkfifo(pipe_cmd)    # Create pipe
        print "Pipe created!"
        print "Pipe already exists"

    with open(pipe_cmd, "r") as pipecmd:
        while True:
                line = pipecmd.readline()
                print "Could not read cmd pipe"

            if line != "":
                print line



However, when I run this code it seems like I have a lot of resources from my CPU (one of them will go 100%). It works great with 1 second sleep. However, I need to constantly read the feed to make sure there is new data . Is there a better way to do this?

This is what I am posting to the C ++ pipe:

void write_pipe(){
    ofstream pipe("/tmp/okccmd");  // Open the pipe
    string data = "Hi";
    pipe << data << endl;




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1 answer

select.poll works fine (at least for Linux, but not sure if Windows supports this: ist afaik available, though). Just go through the documentation, the module is in the standard library and well documented (no need to know how select () actually works).


Note. poll () returns a list of file descriptors, not file objects. So you should have a dict file that maps the file descriptors to the corresponding object (I would like to have this as well if I were just polling one file.

pollobj = select.poll()
polled_files = dict()

# the following two lines are reuired for every file
pollobj.register(my_file_obj, <EVENTMASK>)
polled_files[my_file_obj.fileno()] = my_file_obj

for fd, evt in pollobj.poll():
    fileobj = polled_files[fd]
    ... process event for fileobj




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