Openerp 7 right panel access scheme

I have created security access for the user. after creation i got the view as below.

Access rights Layout

By granting permissions in a .csv file like 1, 1, 1, 1 as shown in the image below.


My question is that these permissions need to be followed through. admin can grant access rights / permissions for different users. Can we grant these permissions to access the interface?

The administrator will directly access the file this way.

And we can change the layout as shown below.


How can i do this.

Thank you in advance


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1 answer

Your problem will be easily solved by creating a controller in ODOO 8.0

You need to follow these steps to create a layout.

  • Create a new model class (as an object) in your module. the class contains the login to get the ir.model.access detail (which is the base odoo object)

  • Create a View File To display your layout in the form of a web page, the view file uses bootstrap classes to design the layout of the web page. the view file uses as rendering a detail of the ir.model.access object to hear that the layout is based on the Qweb template, as well as the web page menu to display your data on your web page.

  • Finally, start the controller in your browser and see your access rights details as a web page



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