Dynamically drawing n graphs

I am writing a measurement program and matplotlib is used to display the measurement values ​​as they are received. I figured out how to do this for one plot, i.e.



Every time x and y change, I call set_xdata

and set_ydata

and update the graph.

However, I want to dynamically plot the n

y values against a single x value, i.e.



Can this be done knowing n

(number of y-plots)?


I am interested in two things:

  • How to simply refresh the data of the multiset, and not completely redraw the graph every time the data changes?
  • Does matplotlib support multiple Y data to display single X data?

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1 answer

In short: you need to create an instance Line2D

for each "plot". And a little more verbose:

  • As you did it with one line, you can also do the same with multiple lines:

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # initial values
    x = [0,1,2]
    y = [[3,5,7],[4,6,8],[5,7,9]]
    # create the line instances and store them in a list
    line_objects = list()
    for yi in y:
        line_objects.extend(plt.plot(x, yi))
    # new values with which we want to update the plot
    x = [1,2,3]
    y = [[4,6,8],[5,7,9],[6,8,0]]
    # update the y values dynamically (without recreating the plot)        
    for yi, line_object in zip(y, line_objects):

  • Not really. However, you can create mulitple objects with a Line2D

    single call plot


    line_objects = plt.plot(x, y[0], x, y[1], x, y[2])

    This is why it plot

    always returns a list.


If you need to do this frequently, helper functions can help:


def plot_multi_y(x, ys, ax=None, **kwargs):
    if ax is None:
        ax = plt.gca()
    return [ax.plot(x, y, **kwargs)[0] for y in ys]

def update_multi_y(line_objects, x, ys):
    for y, line_object in zip(ys, line_objects):


Then you can simply use:

# create the lines
line_objects = plot_multi_y(x, y)

#update the lines
update_multi_y(line_objects, x, y)




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