Failed to send text to Content-desc field with Appium method using sendkeys () method

I am trying to automate Google Hangouts app using appium (in java).

I am using Appium CLient v 1.3.7. I am using Samsung Galaxy S5 Android os version 5.0.

I want to send text using the element.sendkeys () method in a field that contains a description of the content as an "Enter name, email, number or circle" field. Appium finds a field, but after executing the sendkeys () command, it shows nothing in one field. Appium clicks on the left edge of the app.

There is no resource identifier in this field. I tried () before using sendkeys () but didn't help. Any suggestion?

dr = new AndroidDriver(new URL(""),capa);
WebElement el1 = dr.findElementByName("Type a name, email, number or circle");;

Run codeHide result


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1 answer

It doesn't have the name you are considering, you can identify this element like this:

WebElement el1  = driver.findElement("")).click();





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