VBA get min / max from multi-row array

I have the following example code:

Public Sub max_in_array()

Dim vararray(10, 10, 10) As Double

'Assign values to array
For i = 1 To 10
 For j = 1 To 10
  For k = 1 To 10
  vararray(i, j, k) = i * j * k 'This will be more complicated in the actual code
  Next k
 Next j
Next i

'Find the maximum
Dim intmax As Double
intmax = 0
For i = 1 To 10
 For j = 1 To 10
  For k = 1 To 10
   If vararray(i, j, k) > intmax Then
    Intmax = vararray(i, j, k)
   End If
  Next k
 Next j
Next i

MsgBox "max = " & CStr(intmax)

'Find maximum position
For i = 1 To 10
 For j = 1 To 10
  For k = 1 To 10
   If vararray(i, j, k) = intmax Then
    MsgBox "Maximum indices are " & CStr(i) & " " & CStr(j) & " " & CStr(k)
   End If
  Next k
 Next j
Next i

End Sub


In actual code, the vararray will probably be 6 or 7 dimensional, with each dimension having up to 1000 values. This means that the loops are time consuming, which I want to constrain.

Is there a way to make the last two segments of the loop (find the maximum and get the indices) faster? (For example WorsheetFunction.Max (), but this only works with max 2 sizes)

Thanks in advance!


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3 answers

You can avoid the two loop and position reference values ​​through an assign loop:

Public Sub max_in_array()

Dim vararray(10, 10, 10) As Double
Dim Pos(1 To 3)

'Assign values to array
For i = 1 To 10
 For j = 1 To 10
  For k = 1 To 10
  vararray(i, j, k) = i * j * k 'This will be more complicated in the actual code
  If vararray(i, j, k) > Intmax Then
    Intmax = vararray(i, j, k)
    Pos(1) = i
    Pos(2) = j
    Pos(3) = k
  End If

  Next k
 Next j
Next i

MsgBox "Maximum indices are " & Join(Pos, " ")

End Sub




I don't think there is a way to avoid the loop, although it is possible that a compiled library function might offer some improvement for many (large) dimensions. But which is an order of magnitude (or more) more difficult and probably shouldn't try if you don't.

I would store the values i

, j

and k

every time I find a new maximum:

Dim intmax As Double, max_i As Integer, max_j As Integer, max_k As Integer
intmax = 0
max_i = -1, max_j = -1, max_k = -1
For i = 1 To 10
 For j = 1 To 10
  For k = 1 To 10
   If vararray(i, j, k) > intmax Then
    Intmax = vararray(i, j, k)
    max_i = i
    max_j = j
    max_k = k
   End If

MsgBox "Maximum indices are " & CStr(max_i) & " " & CStr(max_j) & " " & CStr(max_k)




A very interesting question.

I am trying to test the performance, but I am not finding anything much faster. Mayby it will be helpful for you.

Sub TestArrMaxMin()

NrOfLoops = 100
'1 test
Start = Timer
For i = 1 To NrOfLoops
Next i
Debug.Print Timer - Start & " max_in_array Loops=" & NrOfLoops
'2 test
Start = Timer
For i = 1 To NrOfLoops
Next i
Debug.Print Timer - Start & " max_in_array_of_array Loops=" & NrOfLoops
'3 test
Start = Timer
For i = 1 To NrOfLoops
Next i
Debug.Print Timer - Start & " max_in_array_each_in Loops=" & NrOfLoops

End Sub


Your submarine with a slight modification:

Public Sub max_in_array()

Dim VarArray(100, 100, 100) As Double
'Assign values to array
For i = 0 To 100
 For j = 0 To 100
  For k = 0 To 100
  VarArray(i, j, k) = Rnd() 'This will be more complicated in the actual code
  Next k
 Next j
Next i

'Find the maximum
Dim IntMax As Double
IntMax = 0
For i = 0 To 100
 For j = 0 To 100
  For k = 0 To 100
   If VarArray(i, j, k) > IntMax Then
    IntMax = VarArray(i, j, k)
    IntMaxAdr = i & "," & j & "," & k
   End If
  Next k
 Next j
Next i
'Debug.Print "max = " & CStr(IntMax)
'Debug.Print "Maximum indices are " & IntMaxAdr

End Sub


Sub using an array of arrays (I had hopes it would be the fastest, but not :():

Public Sub max_in_array_of_array()

Dim VarArray(100, 100) As Double

Dim ArrayOfArrays(100) As Variant
'Assign values to array

For i = 0 To 100
    For j = 0 To 100
        For k = 0 To 100
        VarArray(j, k) = Rnd() 'This will be more complicated in the actual code
        Next k
    Next j
ArrayOfArrays(i) = VarArray
Next i

'Find the maximum
Dim IntMax As Double
IntMax = 0
Dim IntMaxAdr As Integer
IntMaxAdr = 0

For i = 0 To 100
Max = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(ArrayOfArrays(i))
   If Max > IntMax Then
    IntMax = ArrMember
    IntMaxAdr = i
   End If
Next i

'find addres
adr_i = IntMaxAdr

For j = 0 To 100
    For k = 0 To 100
        If IntMax = ArrayOfArrays(adr_i)(j, k) Then
        adr_j = j
        adr_k = k
        Exit For
        End If
    Next k
Next j

'Debug.Print "max = " & CStr(IntMax)
'Debug.Print "Maximum indices are " & adr_i & "," & adr_j & "," & adr_k

End Sub


And one last use for each, a little faster:

Public Sub max_in_array_each_in()

Dim VarArray(100, 100, 100) As Double
'Assign values to array
For i = 0 To 100
 For j = 0 To 100
  For k = 0 To 100
  VarArray(i, j, k) = Rnd() 'This will be more complicated in the actual code
  Next k
 Next j
Next i

'Find the maximum
Dim IntMax As Double
IntMax = 0
Dim ArrMemberIndex As Long
ArrMemberIndex = -1

For Each ArrMember In VarArray
ArrMemberIndex = ArrMemberIndex + 1
   If ArrMember > IntMax Then
    IntMax = ArrMember
    IntMaxAdr = ArrMemberIndex
   End If

'calculate i,j,k
adr_i = IntMaxAdr Mod 101
adr_j = Int(IntMaxAdr / 101) Mod 101
adr_k = Int(IntMaxAdr / (101 ^ 2))

'Debug.Print "max = " & CStr(IntMax)
'Debug.Print "Maximum indices are " & adr_i & "," & adr_j & "," & adr_k

End Sub



25,67969 max_in_array Loops=100
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