Linq query to return nested list for unique items
I have a linq query like:
var leaveDetails = (from l in leaveList
group l by new {l.LeaveDateStart.Year, l.LeaveType}
into yearGroup
select new
LeaveTaken = yearGroup.Sum(l => EntityFunctions.DiffDays(l.LeaveDateStart, l.LeaveDateEnd))
With the results shown below:
However, I want to group the fiscal year. So for each unique year, I have a list of vacation types and vacation days.
I've tried doing this in the frontend in javascript, but it looks messy. Is there a way to do this in C # or in a linq query. Thanks to
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1 answer
You have a current result that is grouped by year and type of vacation. You can simply group your current result by year and select the type of vacation and leave it as a value for each group.
Like this (note: didn't test it):
var leaveDetailsPerYear = (from l in leaveDetails
group l by l.Year
into yearGroup
select new {
Year = yearGroup.Key,
Data = yearGroup.ToList()
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