Mongoid built-in collection answer: find

I am sending serialized data to a class that needs to access a Mongoid document that may or may not be embedded.

In the case of an inline document, I accept a variable number of arguments that I reduce

need to get the embedded document.

The code is pretty simple:

def perform(object, *arguments)
  @opts = arguments.extract_options!
  @object = arguments.reduce(object){|object, args| object.public_send(*args)}
  # [...]


I used public_send

because AFAIK I only need to call the public methods.

However, when I try to access an inline document, I have a very strange result when @object

is an enumerator.

After some debugging, I found that for any root document object

and inline collection items

, I have:

# => #<Enumerator: ...>
object.items.send(:find) # or __send__
# => nil


The method being called doesn't match at all when I call public_send

or send


  • How is this possible?
  • This is normal? This is mistake?


seems to be calling method find


( Enumerable

) but send

(or __send__

) calling method find

for Mongoid

Edit: simple reproductive case:

require 'mongoid'

class User
  include Mongoid::Document

  field :name, type: String

  embeds_many :groups

class Group
  include Mongoid::Document

  field :name, type: String

  embedded_in :user

  sessions: {
    default: {
      database: 'send_find',
      hosts: [

user = User.create(name: 'john')
user.groups.create(name: 'g1')
user.groups.create(name: 'g2')

puts "public_send :find"
puts user.groups.public_send(:find).inspect
# => #<Enumerator: [#<Group _id: 5530dea57735334b69010000, name: "g1">, #<Group _id: 5530dea57735334b69020000, name: "g2">]:find>
puts "send :find"
puts user.groups.send(:find).inspect
# => nil
puts "__send__ :find"
puts user.groups.__send__(:find).inspect
# => nil



source to share

1 answer

Ok, after a few hours of debugging I found that this is actually a bug in Mongoid.

A relation is not an array, but a proxy around the array that delegates most of the methods to the array.

Since public_send

it was also delegated, but not send

also __send__

, the behavior was not the same.

See my pull request and associated commit for more information .



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