Is there an annotation for Jackson to suppress unnecessary JSON wrapping?

The class I'm serializing:

public class LogsDTO {

    /** The logs. */
    private List<LogDTO> logs;

    /** Meta data. */
    private Meta meta = new Meta();

    // more


And the generated JSON:



I would like my JSON to look like this:



Is there some annotation way to make this happen?



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3 answers


: An annotation for the class used to specify the name of the "wrapper" entry to use for the root value if root support is enabled.

Says in jackson files:

The linked Jira task: version 1.9 and above support it.

While examining the @JsonRootName source code ,

They commented out the alwaysWrap method.

/ * * An optional marker property that can be specified true

to force * the boxing of the root element, whether globally * Root boxing is enabled or not. *

     * Note that the value is false

generally understood to mean "use default values", * and will not block use of the shell if use is specified by global functions. * * @ considering 2.4 public boolean alwaysWrap () default false; * /

They have a plan to activate it at v2.5

As of 2.4, one missing feature is the "alwaysWrap" property, which will hopefully be added in 2.5 and will be used to force root name wrapping * for particular types.



Use card type Map<String, Object>

. This not a good solution doesn't use annotations. I just want to show another possibility, how to avoid json wrapping:

public static void main(String[] args) {

    Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();

    List<LogDTO> logs = new ArrayList<LogDTO>();
    logs.add(new LogDTO(1, true));
    logs.add(new LogDTO(2, false));
    logs.add(new LogDTO(3, true));

    map.put("logs", logs);
    map.put("meta", new Meta(33));

    Gson gson   = new GsonBuilder().create();
    String json = gson.toJson(map);
    LogsDTO dto = gson.fromJson(json, LogsDTO.class);








LogsDTO [logs=[Log [id=1, archived=true], Log [id=2, archived=false], Log [id=3, archived=true]], meta=Meta [id=33]]




I decided to use it with a custom serializer by disabling global wrapping and enabling wrapping for each class. It seems that even when you complete the global boxing, Jackson is adding a wrapper for the list items of the class that has boxing. One difference from your code is that for me the list was wrapped in its own class. It was something like this:

    @JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.WRAPPER_OBJECT)  // wrapping per class instead of global in the mapper
    public class InterfaceDTO
        private InterfaceIpListDTO interfaceIpListDTO; // The list property for which I want to turn off wrapping

        @JsonSerialize(using =  // Gonen
        public InterfaceIpListDTO getInterfaceIpListDTO() {
            return interfaceIpListDTO;

public class InterfaceIPListWithoutWrapperNameSerializer extends JsonSerializer<InterfaceIpListDTO>{
    public void serialize(InterfaceIpListDTO interfaceIpListDTO, JsonGenerator jsonGenerator, SerializerProvider serializerProvider) throws IOException {
        for (InterfaceIpDTO interfaceIpDTO : interfaceIpListDTO.getInterfaceIpDTOs()) {




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