Php form not submit

When I submit my form, it dies for no apparent reason.

My form code:

    <form action="mail.php" method="post">
        <input class="invoeren" name="naamUser" type="text" placeholder="Naam" required>
        <input class="invoeren" name="nummerUser"  type="text" placeholder="Telefoonnummer" required>
        <input class="invoeren" name="onderwerpUser"  type="text" placeholder="Onderwerp" required>
        <textarea class="invoeren" type="text" name="opmerkingUser"  placeholder="Opmerking" required></textarea>           
        <button type="submit" id="contactButton">Verstuur</button>


My mail.php file:


    $naamUser = $_POST['naamUser'];
    $nummerUser = $_POST['nummerUser'];
    $onderwerpUser = $_POST['onderwerpUser'];
    $opmerkingUser = $_POST['opmerkingUser'];

    $formcontent="Aanvraag formulier Domein naam \n
    Naam: $naamUser \n
    Telefoonnummer: $nummerUser \n
    Onderwerp: $onderwerpUser \n
    Opmerking: $opmerkingUser \n              

    $recipient = "";

    $subject = "Terug Bellen";

    $mailheader = "From: $naamUser \r\n";

    mail($recipient, $subject, $formcontent, $mailheader) or die("Error!");


I am using 1 mail.php file for multiple index.html files, maybe the reason it dies?


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1 answer

"Can you answer this question with your comment? @ Fred-ii- Because the answer, thanks! - Blank"

As requested by the OP:


expects an email address, not a name.

  • Check your spam.

Read the manual mail()

and one more comment:

Add an error report to the beginning of the file (s) right after opening the PHP tag eg

<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1);

and then the rest of your code to see if it gives you something and make sure you have access to mail()

and that PHP is actually working as expected.



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