Pure javascript draggable element

I know there is an example of this on the internet, but each example is different and my own implementation. I am trying to figure out what is wrong with my implementation as it is not working as expected.

snippet of code:

var mousePressX = -1;
var mousePressY = -1;

document.getElementById("contextMenu").addEventListener("mousedown", function(event) {
    mousePressX = event.clientX;
    mousePressY = event.clientY;
}, false);

document.getElementById("contextMenu").addEventListener("mouseup", function(event) {
    mousePressX = -1;
    mousePressY = -1;
}, false);

document.getElementById("contextMenu").addEventListener("mousemove", function(event) {
    if (mousePressX != -1 && mousePressY != -1) {
        repositionElement(event.target, event.clientX, event.clientY);
}, false);

function repositionElement(element, currentMouseX, currentMouseY) {
    element.style.left = element.offsetLeft + (currentMouseX - mousePressX) + 'px';
    element.style.top = element.offsetTop + (currentMouseY - mousePressY) + 'px';


jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/4rLctko8/

can't figure out what happened, but I noticed that if I change the following lines:

element.style.left = element.offsetLeft + (currentMouseX - mousePressX) + 'px';
element.style.top = element.offsetTop + (currentMouseY - mousePressY) + 'px';



element.style.left = currentMouseX - mousePressX + 'px';
element.style.top = currentMouseY - mousePressY + 'px';


The element will only be dragged correctly when it is dragged towards the positive x-axis (right) and towards the positive y-axis (bottom), and when the mouse is launched, it will be positioned somewhere near the left-most top corner region (about 0.0)


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1 answer

Interestingly enough, I've only done this with jQuery so far. Rewrote it a bit and made sure that every mousemove has it removed after listening for events - this would be a memory leak that you might otherwise start handling:


var contextmenu = document.getElementById('contextMenu');
var initX, initY, mousePressX, mousePressY;

contextmenu.addEventListener('mousedown', function(event) {

    initX = this.offsetLeft;
    initY = this.offsetTop;
    mousePressX = event.clientX;
    mousePressY = event.clientY;

    this.addEventListener('mousemove', repositionElement, false);

    window.addEventListener('mouseup', function() {
      contextmenu.removeEventListener('mousemove', repositionElement, false);
    }, false);

}, false);

function repositionElement(event) {
    this.style.left = initX + event.clientX - mousePressX + 'px';
    this.style.top = initY + event.clientY - mousePressY + 'px';


Seems to work well. :-)

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ +++++++++++++++++++++++

Edit - I would think to add a touch-enabled version (although newer devices seem to emulate mouse events). Not like jQuery, where you can select multiple event listeners, so it's basically repetition, only with touch events:


var object = document.getElementById('element'),
initX, initY, firstX, firstY;

object.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) {

    initX = this.offsetLeft;
    initY = this.offsetTop;
    firstX = e.pageX;
    firstY = e.pageY;

    this.addEventListener('mousemove', dragIt, false);

    window.addEventListener('mouseup', function() {
        object.removeEventListener('mousemove', dragIt, false);
    }, false);

}, false);

object.addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) {

    initX = this.offsetLeft;
    initY = this.offsetTop;
    var touch = e.touches;
    firstX = touch[0].pageX;
    firstY = touch[0].pageY;

    this.addEventListener('touchmove', swipeIt, false);

    window.addEventListener('touchend', function(e) {
        object.removeEventListener('touchmove', swipeIt, false);
    }, false);

}, false);

function dragIt(e) {
    this.style.left = initX+e.pageX-firstX + 'px';
    this.style.top = initY+e.pageY-firstY + 'px';

function swipeIt(e) {
    var contact = e.touches;
    this.style.left = initX+contact[0].pageX-firstX + 'px';
    this.style.top = initY+contact[0].pageY-firstY + 'px';




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