ParseCrashReporting - Crash reports not showing in the dashboard

I have an iOS app in production that uses Parse for User authentication and some analytics and has successfully used Parse in several other apps. I recently added a crash reporting feature to the app, but after two days of dizziness and dozens of crashes, I still can't see anything in the Parse Crashes dashboard. Also, I created a completely new single view app with nothing added other than the error messages (and dependencies) of password parsing unchanged.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Here's what I have done so far, including the troubleshooting steps suggested by Parse as well as what I found on StackOverflow and Google Developer Boards.

Steps to enable Crash Reporting (with correct AppId and Client Key):

// Enable Crash Reporting
[ParseCrashReporting enable];

// Setup Parse
[Parse setApplicationId:@"parseAppId" clientKey:@"parseClientKey"];


Then I used the suggested code to "simulate" the crash by throwing an exception. Works like a charm, but nothing appears at the end of the Parse!

Recommendations for finding and fixing parsing:

[x] Make sure you enable Crash Reporting in your delegate file before initializing Parse.

[x] If you are testing, make sure Xcode is not detecting a crash with the debugger. Build, run, stop the app, then start it from the home screen.

[x] Failure is sent the next time the application is started. Make sure the app isn't crashing again before it can send crash information. If you are testing, you can do this by adding a delay.

[x] Failure may take up to a minute to appear on the dashboard. (Some users report that they wait several hours, more than 24 hours have passed).

[x] Make sure you don't have any other crash reporting solutions related to your application as they might interfere with each other. (Disabled Google Analytics and built a new app to not interfere)

Other suggestions I found:

[x] Switch application from version to Prod in settings. (Not sure what it actually does, but it didn't change as my original app was already set to Prod and switching the new app to Prod did nothing)

[x] Some users had problems with older versions of Parse. I am on the latest version of Parse, Bolts and ParseCrashReporting Frameworks.

[x] Some users have problems loading symbolic files. As far as I understand, Crash reports do not rely on loading them, and in any case, I had no problem loading them for parsing using the auto-build script they provided.

Other things I've tried:

[x] My Wi-Fi company has a proxy setting that has given me problems in the past, so I'm familiar with how to work around, but even when running the app multiple times using a device data connection (LTE) cause something or.

[x] My company uses AirWatch for our MDM, so I also checked on my personal iPad to see AirWatch interfering in some way. No cubes.

I have looked through the device logs and see that a crash report is generated on crash:

Apr 16 10:28:38 Phils-iPad-Air ReportCrash[358] <Notice>: Saved report to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/TestApp_2015-04-16-102838_Phils-iPad-Air.ips


However, there is nothing in the logs to show that the report is sent to Parse when the application reopens after a crash. I see the data wheel spinning in the status bar for a second or two when the app reopens, which is the only way to see what it is sending according to several Parse characters' answers on google dev boards.

Seriously!? Even a line to say, "Hey, got a crash report, dropping it to" Parsa "or" There was a catch unable to obey the Parsa. "

So, here I am posting my first question on StackOverflow, hoping that someone out there might come up with some more tips on how to get crash reports in the Parse Crashes dashboard.


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1 answer

It turns out it was a bug confirmed by Facebook, you can view the bug report here:

This was resolved and everything works great!



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