Which of the following is most effective

If I would like to print x from 0 to 5

6.times {|x| p x}

(0..5).each {|x| p x}

0.upto(5) {|x| p x}

for x in 0..5
  p x



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2 answers

testmark / ips is the best tool for this.

require 'benchmark/ips'

Benchmark.ips do |x|
  x.report("times") { 6.times {|x| } }
  x.report("range iteration") { (0..5).each {|x| } }
  x.report("upto") { 0.upto(5) {|x| } }
  x.report("for") do
    for x in 0..5


Results in Ruby 2.2.0:

Calculating -------------------------------------
               times    88.567k i/100ms
     range iteration    88.519k i/100ms
                upto    86.749k i/100ms
                 for    84.118k i/100ms
               times      2.093M (± 0.2%) i/s -     10.451M
     range iteration      2.053M (± 0.4%) i/s -     10.268M
                upto      2.103M (± 0.2%) i/s -     10.583M
                 for      1.949M (± 0.2%) i/s -      9.758M


An empty body loop is the best idea here, as the I / O out time p

will likely overshadow the loop iteration times. The result is close enough not to matter.



You will need to use something like Benchmark

The Benchmark module provides methods for measuring and reporting the time taken to run Ruby code.

require 'benchmark'
puts Benchmark.measure {6.times {|x| p x}}
puts Benchmark.measure {(0..5).each {|x| p x}}
puts Benchmark.measure {0.upto(5) {|x| p x}}


and you will see a result that looks like

1 ) 0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 (  0.000059)
1 ) 0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 (  0.000050)
3 ) 0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 (  0.000046)


now you can read more about benchmark here

you need to try a few times with 1,000,000. To get a good sensor, now the results will change with each calculation and with what else is running on that computer during the test



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