Removing duplicate visible lines

I am trying to use the following VBA code to do two things.

  • Count the number of unique visible rows in the filtered sheet.
  • Remove duplicate lines


Function UniqueVisible(MyRange As Range) As Integer

    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set ws = Worksheets(1)

    Dim R As Range
    Dim V() As String
    ReDim V(0 To MyRange.Count) As String

    For Each R In MyRange
        If (R.EntireRow.Hidden = False) Then
            For Index = 0 To UniqueVisible
                If (V(Index) = R.Value) Then
                    Exit For
                End If

                If (Index = UniqueVisible) Then
                    V(UniqueVisible) = R.Value
                    UniqueVisible = UniqueVisible + 1
                End If
        End If
    Next R

End Function


This is good and if I replace R.Delete

with MsgBox(R.Row)

I get the correct duplicate line number.

  • R.Delete

    doing nothing.
  • R.EntireRow.Delete

    doing nothing
  • ws.Rows(R.Row).Delete

    doing nothing.


This does not work

Function UniqueVisible(MyRange As Range) As Integer

    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set ws = Worksheets(1)

    Dim R As Range

    Dim Dup As Integer
    Dup = 0

    Dim Dups() As Integer
    ReDim Dups(0 To MyRange.Count) As Integer

    Dim V() As String
    ReDim V(0 To MyRange.Count) As String

    For Each R In MyRange
        If (R.EntireRow.Hidden = False) Then
            For Index = 0 To UniqueVisible
                If (V(Index) = R.Value) Then
                    Dups(Dup) = R.Row
                    Dup = Dup + 1
                    Exit For
                End If

                If (Index = UniqueVisible) Then
                    V(UniqueVisible) = R.Value
                    UniqueVisible = UniqueVisible + 1
                End If
        End If
    Next R

    For Each D In Dups
    Next D

End Function


filter vba excel-vba excel

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2 answers

You seem to be breaking a few rules here.

  • You cannot use a function to delete lines in VBA. It doesn't matter if you use this function as a user-defined function (aka UDF) on a worksheet or call it from a subroutine in a VBA project. The function is meant to return a value, not to perform operations that change the structure (or even values ​​other than its own cell) on the worksheet. In your case, it can return an array of line numbers to be removed by the child.

  • Canonical practice is believed to start at the bottom (or to the right of the columns) and work when deleting rows. Working from top to bottom can skip lines when a line is removed and you move on to the next.

Here is an example where a sub-call calls a function to collect a count of unique visible records and an array of strings to be deleted.

Sub remove_rows()
    Dim v As Long, vDelete_These As Variant, iUnique As Long
    Dim ws As Worksheet

    Set ws = Worksheets(1)

    vDelete_These = UniqueVisible(ws.Range("A1:A20"))

    iUnique = vDelete_These(LBound(vDelete_These))

    For v = UBound(vDelete_These) To (LBound(vDelete_These) + 1) Step -1 'not that we are working from the bottom up
    Next v

    Debug.Print "There were " & iUnique & " unique, visible values."

End Sub

Function UniqueVisible(MyRange As Range)
    Dim R As Range
    Dim uniq As Long
    Dim Dups As Variant
    Dim v As String

    ReDim Dups(1 To 1) 'make room for the unique count
    v = ChrW(8203) 'seed out string hash check with the delimiter

    For Each R In MyRange
        If Not R.EntireRow.Hidden Then
            If CBool(InStr(1, v, ChrW(8203) & R.Value & ChrW(8203), vbTextCompare)) Then
                ReDim Preserve Dups(1 To UBound(Dups) + 1)
                Dups(UBound(Dups)) = R.Row
                uniq = uniq + 1
                v = v & R.Value & ChrW(8203)
            End If
        End If
    Next R

    Dups(LBound(Dups)) = uniq  'stuff the unique count into the primary of the array

    UniqueVisible = Dups

End Function


Now this is probably not how I would do it. It seems to be easiest to write it all in one sub. However, understanding the processes and constraints is important, so I hope you can handle it.

Please note that there is no error control in this. This must be present when working with arrays and deleting strings in loops.


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You cannot delete a line while looping through lines. You will need to store the lines that need to be deleted in the array and then loop through the array and delete the lines after they are executed through the lines.


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