JS code not executed

I am currently trying to call a JS script to export a chart from a surface chart component. The problem is that the base64str variable seems to be null, and the responsible script to fill that value is not called for whatever reason:

xhtml code:

<p:chart id="chart" type="line"  widgetVar="chart" model="#{cont.lineModel}"  style="height:550px;width:1800px">
           <p:ajax event="itemSelect" listener="#{cont.itemSelect}" update="growl" />                             
    <p:commandButton id="exp" value="Export" icon="ui-icon-extlink"
            onclick="exportChart();" actionListener="#{cont.submittedBase64Str}" 
        <h:inputHidden id="b64" value="#{cont.base64Str}" />                     

<script type="text/javascript">
        function exportChart() {
        img = chart.exportAsImage();
        document.getElementById('hform:b64').value = img.src;




public void submittedBase64Str(ActionEvent event){
// You probably want to have a more comprehensive check here. 
// In this example I only use a simple check
if(base64Str.split(",").length > 1){
    String encoded = base64Str.split(",")[1];
    byte[] decoded = org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.decodeBase64(encoded);
    // Write to a .png file
    try {
        RenderedImage renderedImage = ImageIO.read(new ByteArrayInputStream(decoded));
        ImageIO.write(renderedImage, "png", new File("D:\\out.png")); 
    } catch (IOException e) {





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2 answers

Change your attribute onclick

to onstart


    <p:commandButton id="exp" value="Export" icon="ui-icon-extlink"
  onstart="exportChart();" actionListener="#{cont.submittedBase64Str}" />


This should call the JS function.


In addition, you need to identify img

and chart

in your function.



An object


is a PrimeFaces JS widget. You define widgetVar


<p:chart ... widgetVar="chart"


And then you can get the chart object in your JS code like:



You need to use the function PF

to get widgets with PrimeFaces 4.0.

As a side note, it is better to make the img

local variable instead of the global variable instead of the variable :

var img = chart.exportAsImage();


Now img

defined only in function scope.



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