Managing Generated / Derived Files in Github Registry

There are a lot of derived files in my project, files created by others, so they are really duplicated. Examples:

Transpiling: I am using either coffeescript or es6 / babel to convert the source to .js files, which are redundant as they are easily recreated from CS / ES6 files.

Binding. Derived .js files are preprocessed (uglify, etc.) and then placed in myproject.js and myproject.min.js files for easy download from github.

Documentation: I use Docco to generate HTML documentation for each source file, so redundant. The original comments create the documentation.

I would prefer the repo to be tiny and have no derivative files.

One thought is using gh pages for a complete set of files, using .gitignore to skip derivatives for master, but having separate .gitignore gh pages to allow all derived files. Seems a bit extreme though.

Is there a way (standard, better way) to manage derived files? They can be misleading to git - make pull / merge / fetch report conflicts in derived files that we don't need, a clean full build is always correct.


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1 answer

Add .gitignore to your gitrepo root folder: here

For a specific build type (like coffeescript) google "coffeescript gitignore" and you can usually find a template. I did it for coffeescript and found this:


I didn't get the complexity from your question.

I think I understand now. You can try using the .gitattributes attributes to always select "our" or them when merging: How do I tell git to always select the local version for conflicting merges in a specific file?



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