Filename.l: 16: EOF occurs inside an action

I have a lex file like this

        #include ""

    "print"     {return print;}
    "exit"      {return exit_command;}
    [a-zA-Z]    { = atoi(yytext); return identifier;}
    [0-9]+      {yylval.num = atoi(yytext);} return number;}
    [ \t\n]     ;
    [-+=;]      {return yytext[0];}
    .       {ECHO; yyerror("unexpected charater");}

    int yywrap(void){return 1;}


But when I try to run lex filename.l
I get the following error

filename.l:16: EOF encountered inside an action


Can anyone see the error


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1 answer

Your number pattern ( [0-9]+

) has an extra }

in its action, which is confusing (as well as confusing for flex




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