Create variable rolling counter in R

have a dataset with a size of about 21k in cases and a categorical variable for each case with options A, B and C. I am looking to create an experience variable for countries that have previously used option C in previous observations (case t -1, to put it simply) ... I was told that this is called a hot wall. I have not been able to figure out how to do this or which package is the best to use. Any suggestions would be very helpful!



Currently my data looks something like this:

Dispute Partner Position
1        1       A
1        2       C
1        3       C
2        1       B
2        2       C
2        3       A
2        4       C
3        1       B
3        2       C
3        3       C


Ideally, I create a variable that cumulatively accounts for when each unique observation is C (generating an "experience" count for each unique "partner"

Dispute Partner Position Experience
1        1       A       NA
1        2       C       1
1        3       C       1
2        1       B       NA
2        2       C       2
2        3       A       NA
2        4       C       1
3        1       B       NA
3        2       C       3



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1 answer

FROM data.table

setDT(df)[, experience:=cumsum(position=="C")*(position=="C"), by=partner] 

    dispute partner position experience
 1:       1       1        A          0
 2:       1       2        C          1
 3:       1       3        C          1
 4:       2       1        B          0
 5:       2       2        C          2
 6:       2       3        A          0
 7:       2       4        C          1
 8:       3       2        B          0
 9:       3       1        C          1
10:       3       3        C          2   


FROM dplyr

df %>% 
  group_by(partner) %>% 

   dispute partner position experience
1        1       1        A          0
2        1       2        C          1
3        1       3        C          1
4        2       1        B          0
5        2       2        C          2
6        2       3        A          0
7        2       4        C          1
8        3       2        B          0
9        3       1        C          1
10       3       3        C          2


<strong> data

df <- data.frame(dispute=c("1","1","1","2","2","2","2","3","3","3"),




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