Prepare an item at the start of each item in the Laravel Eloquent Collection

I have a collection like this

    "objective_id": "26",
    "objective_weight": "50.00",
    "objective_description": "This is first strategic objective",
    "actions": [
    "objective_id": "27",
    "objective_weight": "12.00",
    "objective_description": "This second strategic objective",
    "actions": [



Now I want to add an item for each item in the collection. eg:

    "foo" : "bar"
    "objective_id": "26",
    "objective_weight": "50.00",
    "objective_description": "This is first strategic objective",
    "actions": [


I tried the prepend()

Eloquent method but couldn't.

$new = $objectives->map(function($objective) {
    return $objective->get()->prepend('hello', 'world');

return $new;



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1 answer

These objects are just objects and you can add a property just by setting it:

$new = $objectives->map(function($objective){
    $objective->foo = 'bar';
    return $objective;




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