ExtJS error in nested grids: unable to read isGroupHeader property from null

whenever I expand or collapse a row in a nested grid, I get the following error:

"Uncaught TypeError: Unable to read property isGroupHeader 'null"

google gave me this url but it doesn't work in 5.1, any idea how to convert it to solve 5.1 problem?


Here is a sample script for the error: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/g5b


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3 answers

This happens because a grid event or cell editor (mouseover, click, or whatever) is fired in the context of another grid (parent or ancestor). You can see how to stop bubbling events here:

Ext.require(['Nested.view.NestedGrid'], function() {
    var nGrid = Ext.create({
        type: 'nestedgrid',
        renderTo: div

    // prevent bubbling of the events
        'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'click',
        'contextmenu', 'mouseover', 'mouseout',
        'dblclick', 'mousemove'





Find the original error method ext-all-debug.js and then create a new js in the "ext-all *. Js" folder after download, my version is: Ext JS

The key code is: Object. prototype

.function andxxx != null

Postfix code:

Ext.event.publisher.Dom.prototype.unsubscribe = function (element, eventName, delegated, capture) {
    var me = this,
        captureSubscribers, bubbleSubscribers, subscribers, id;
    if (delegated && !me.directEvents[eventName]) {
        captureSubscribers = me.captureSubscribers;
        bubbleSubscribers = me.bubbleSubscribers;
        subscribers = capture ? captureSubscribers : bubbleSubscribers;
        if (subscribers != null && subscribers[eventName]) {
        if (me != null && bubbleSubscribers != null && captureSubscribers != null && !me.handles[eventName] && !bubbleSubscribers[eventName] && !captureSubscribers[eventName]) {
            // decremented subscribers back to 0 - and the event is not in "handledEvents"
            // no longer need to listen at the dom level
    } else {
        subscribers = capture ? me.directCaptureSubscribers : me.directSubscribers;
        id = element.id;
        subscribers = subscribers[eventName];
        if (subscribers[id]) {
        if (!subscribers[id]) {
            // no more direct subscribers for this element/id/capture, so we can safely
            // remove the dom listener
            delete subscribers[id];
            me.removeDirectListener(eventName, element, capture);




Ext.define('MyApp.overrides.GridColumn', {
    override: 'Ext.grid.column.Column',

    show: function () {
        if (!this.getRefOwner()) {


Here is a workaround for this that I am using.



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