Is there an Eigen C ++ library equivalent to gsl_multifit_wlinear ()?

I'm trying to port some old GSL code to use only the Eigen header. I do this as a side job for some data scientists, and so my math has gone a bit out of college. I am trying to see if there is an equivalent function or module, or even a more general linear algebra term for calling the gsl_multifit_wlinear () function. It is similar to the least squares curve fitting function.

If there is a way to directly convert, what would it be?

If not, is there any other library I can use? Keep in mind that it does not need to be licensed under the GPL or similar "Shared All" license. MIT or BSD is preferred, LGPL and Mozilla / Apache are fine too.



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1 answer

It looks like it gsl_multifit_linear(X,y,c)

solves the problem min_c ||Xc-y||^2

. I'm not really 100% sure from the documentation, but it looks like it gsl_multifit_wlinear(X,y,w,c)

decides min_c ||Xc - y||^2_W

where W = diag(w)

and ||e||^2_W = e'*W^(-1)*e


So, you can solve this in Eigen by rewriting min_c ||Xc - y||^2_W

as min_c ||W^(-1/2) (Xc - y)||^2


We should:

  • compute W ^ (- 1/2), which is simply diagonal with elements W (i, i) = 1 / sqrt (w (i)).
  • Calculate A = W ^ (- 1/2) * X and b = W ^ (- 1/2) * y
  • Decide min ||Ac - b||^2

    what is the same Ac = b

    as the least squares solution

This should work then if you already have Eigen :: Matrix <...> of X, y, w:

Eigen::VectorXd inv_sqrtw = 1.0 / w.array().sqrt();
Eigen::MatrixXd W12 = inv_sqrtw.asDiagonal();
Eigen::MatrixXd A = W12 * X;
Eigen::VectorXd b = W12 * y;

// now solve system
Eigen::VectorXd c = A.jacobiSvd(Eigen::ComputeThinU | Eigen::ComputeThinV).solve(b);


and your answer is in c

More information on solving the least squares problem in Eigen is at



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