Datatables adding JSON data to the <tfoot> footer

I am using datatables to display some JSON data and I have included the request totals at the bottom of the JSON like so:

    "data": [
            "id": "1",
            "provider_num": "381301",
            "provider_name": "COTTAGE GROVE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL",
            "261_total_bad_debts": "$0",
            "271_medicare_bad_debts": "$79,275",
            "281_non_medicare_bad_debts": "$-79,275",
            "1_cost_to_charge_ratio": "0.703459",
            "291_cost_of_non_mcr_bad_debts": "$-55,767"
    "total_bad_debts": 0,
    "total_medicare_bad_debts": 79275,
    "total_non_medicare_bad_debts": -79275,
    "total_cost_of_non_mcr_bad_debts": -55767


I am a little confused as to how I can add them to the footer of my table as before that I had access to the php variables directive and now I encode them to JSON. If anyone has experience with this and using footerCallback

datatables in initialization, that would be really great.

Thank you in advance


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1 answer

You can use data from JSON response in DataTables footer as shown below.

$('#example').dataTable( {
   'ajax': 'data/arrays.txt',
   'footerCallback': function( tfoot, data, start, end, display ) {    
      var response = this.api().ajax.json();
         var $th = $(tfoot).find('th');




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