Angular ui-grid filter when user presses enter key

I have implemented a ui grid with server side filtering, sorting and pagination.

I am using gridApi.core.on.filterChanged to detect a filter change next to $timeout

to wait for user input to finish. Not a bad idea to use $timeout

, but I want to filter the grid only on the key enter

, but the event is filterChanged

tracking the value of the field and I think it doesn't have access to keypress or keypress events to detect enter


How can I call the ajax filter on enter



source to share

3 answers

Solution found!

As I said, I was looking for a "CLEAN" solution to avoid adding headerCellTemplate

to all columns and changing a lot of code.

This solution is somehow based on overriding ui-grid cellHeaderTemplate

to use my custom directive as an input filter and it works great. I can also add various filters to my grid.

    .run(['$templateCache', function ($templateCache) {

        // Override uiGridHeaderCell template to replace "input" field with "grid-filter" directive
            "<div ng-class=\"{ 'sortable': sortable }\"><div class=\"ui-grid-cell-contents\" col-index=\"renderIndex\"><span>{{ col.displayName CUSTOM_FILTERS }}</span><span ui-grid-visible=\"col.sort.direction\" ng-class=\"{ 'ui-grid-icon-up-dir': col.sort.direction == asc, 'ui-grid-icon-down-dir': col.sort.direction == desc, 'ui-grid-icon-blank': !col.sort.direction }\">&nbsp;</span></div><div class=\"ui-grid-column-menu-button\" ng-if=\"grid.options.enableColumnMenus && !col.isRowHeader  && col.colDef.enableColumnMenu !== false\" ng-click=\"toggleMenu($event)\" ng-class=\"{'ui-grid-column-menu-button-last-col': isLastCol}\"><i class=\"ui-grid-icon-angle-down\">&nbsp;</i></div><div ng-if=\"filterable\" class=\"ui-grid-filter-container\" ng-repeat=\"colFilter in col.filters\"><grid-filter type=\"{{colFilter.type}}\"></grid-filter><div class=\"ui-grid-filter-button\" ng-click=\"colFilter.term = null\"><i class=\"ui-grid-icon-cancel\" ng-show=\"!!colFilter.term\">&nbsp;</i><!-- use !! because angular interprets 'f' as false --></div></div></div>"

        // Add custom templates to use in "grid-filter" directive
            "<input type=\"text\" class=\"ui-grid-filter-input\" ng-model=\"colFilter.term\" ng-attr-placeholder=\"{{colFilter.placeholder || ''}}\">"
            "<select class=\"ui-grid-filter-input\" ng-model=\"colFilter.term\" ng-options=\"option.text for option in colFilter.dropdownOptions \"><option value=''></option> </select>"
            "<input type='text' class=\"ui-grid-filter-input\" ng-model=\"colFilter.term\" mask=\"1399/99/99\" mask-options=\"{placeholder:' '}\" placeholder='{{colFilter.placeholder}}' />"
    .directive('gridFilter', ['$templateCache', '$compile', function ($templateCache, $compile) {
        return {
            restrict: 'AE',
            replace: true,
            link: function (scope, elem, attrs) {
                var type = attrs['type'] || 'text';
                var grid = scope.$parent.$parent.grid;

                var filter = function () {
                    // Filtering comes here. We have full access to grid and it filter terms here.

                var template = $compile($templateCache.get('ui-grid-filters/' + type))(scope);
                elem = template;

                elem.keypress(function (e) {
                    if (e.which == 13) {

                if (type == 'dropdown') {
                    elem.change(function (e) {

                // Handle clear button click action
                scope.$watch('$parent.colFilter.term', function (newVal, oldVal) {
                    if (newVal === null && oldVal !== null) {


And here's an example of an gridOptions


$scope.gridOptions = {
    enableFiltering: true,
    enableRowSelection: true,
    enableGridMenu: true,
    paginationPageSizes: [25, 50, 75],
    paginationPageSize: 25,

    useExternalSorting: true, // Sorting is handled using gridApi.core.on.sortChanged() event
    useExternalFiltering: true, // Filtering is handled in custom directive
    useExternalPagination: true, // Pagination is handled using gridApi.pagination.on.paginationChanged() event

    columnDefs: [
            field: 'username',
            displayName: "Username"
            field: 'status',
            displayName: 'Status',
            cellTemplate: '<div class="text-center">' +
            '<span ng-show="row.entity.status==1">Enabled</span>' +
            '<span ng-show="row.entity.status==2">Disabled</span>' +
            filter: {
                type: 'dropdown',
                dropdownOptions: [
                        id: 1,
                        text: 'Enabled'
                        id: 2,
                        text: 'Disabled'
            field: 'birthDate',
            displayName: 'Birth Date',
            filters: [
                    type: 'date',
                    placeholder: 'From'
                    type: 'date',
                    placeholder: 'To'




The filterChanged event only reports that it has changed, it does not filter individual keystrokes. A better option would be to implement a custom filter template using the new custom filter options: , and then implement your logic directly on the filter directive you provide. Note that you'll need the latest instability to do this - it will be released in RC21 or 3.0, whichever comes first.



Filter out the ui grid call event with the view modal, but the watch method triggers a keypress, so we can change the keypress event to blur the textbox event by adding the directive

directive('ngModelOnblur', function () {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        require: 'ngModel',
        link: function (scope, elm, attr, ngModelCtrl) {
            elm.bind('change', function () {
                scope.$apply(function () {


add a directive in textbox

from uigrid

and ui grid filter.api called only on change event textbox

or enter key.



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