26 of 99 Haskell Problems - Why does the result contain multiple lists with the same head?

I'm trying to figure out how one of the solutions to problem 26 99 of Haskell problems works . The solution looks like this:

combination :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
combination 0 _ = [ [] ]
combination i xs = [ y:ys | y:xs' <- tails xs, ys <- combination (i-1) xs']


I cannot figure out how it is possible that there will be more than one list with the same head. For me, the part y

in y:ys

that will be created on use tails xs

can only be used to compose one list.


combination 2 [1,2,3]


First we take y

a part of tails xs

that gives us three lists: [1,(not known yet)]

, [2,(not known yet)]

, [3,(not known yet)]

. So how come we get multiple results with 1 as the head?

I also can't figure out why the list [3]

won't be in the result? It will certainly appear as a chapter in one of the lists created tails xs

. I didn't want to raise this issue in a separate question - I hope that's a good thing.


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2 answers

List matching defines nested loops. Thus, in the definition

combinations n xs =


we can read the code

        [ y:ys | y:t <- tails xs, ys <- combinations (n-1) t]



        for each (y:t) in (tails xs)
            for each ys in (combinations (n-1) t) 
                produce (y:ys) as a new element of the resulting list


In other words, select n

items from the list - select some item and n-1

items after it in the list.

The non-deterministic nature of this definition is presented by listing all possible solutions. We n-1

only select items to the right of the item to only create solutions that are unique when swapped.

Let's take xs = [1,2,3]

as an example. What produces tails [1,2,3]


This is [[1,2,3], [2,3], [3], []]

, of course. Now what is the equivalent

[ r | r <- [[1,2,3], [2,3], [3], []] ]


This means that r

, taken from this list, it sequentially takes the values ​​of its elements. r

is an irrefutable figure; (y:t)

is a rebuttable pattern, that is, it will not match an element []


[ (y,t) | (y:t) <- tails [1,2,3]]
  =>  [(1,[2,3]), (2,[3]), (3,[])]


So, you see, t

it is not "unknown" yet. It is known that this is only the tail of this list. And when it y

matches 3, it t

matches []



[ (y,q) | (y:t) <- tails [1,2,3], q <- [10,20]]
 =>  [(1,10), (1,20), (2,10), (2,20), (3,10), (3,20)]


This illustrates your first question quite clearly: for each pattern, the matches are (y:t)


derived from [10,20]

, i.e. it also takes the values ​​in the list (here [10,20]

) sequentially, for each y

, as in a nested loop.

For your example combinations 2 [1,2,3]

, we have

  combinations 2 [1,2,3]
  for each (y,t) in [ (1,[2,3]), (2,[3]), (3,[]) ]
      for each ys in (combinations 1 t)
          produce (y:ys)
  for y = 1, t = [2,3]
      for each ys in (combinations 1 [2,3]) produce (1:ys) , and then
  for y = 2, t = [3]
      for each ys in (combinations 1 [3])   produce (2:ys) , and then
  for y = 3, t = []
      for each ys in (combinations 1 [])    produce (3:ys)


combinations 1 []


, because it tails []

is [[]]

, and pattern matching (y:t)

with []

as part of the generator (y:t) <- [[]]

will fail; so no solutions will be generated by the third linefor

(which would have 3

solutions in the puzzle), because there are no elements in its right to select the second element, since we need to select 2 elements altogether, 3 really participates in the tails of other solutions, as well as it should).

The second line for

is obviously produces only one solution [2,3]

. What does the first line produce for


      for each ys in (combinations 1 [2,3]) produce (1:ys)


combinations 1

takes only one element, so it creates [2]

and [3]

; so the first line for

creates two solutions: [1,2]

and [1,3]

. Or in more detail,

      combinations 1 [2,3] 
      for y = 2, t = [3]
          for each ys in (combinations 0 [3]) produce (2:ys) , and then
      for y = 3, t = []
          for each ys in (combinations 0 [])  produce (3:ys)


and combinations 0

always creates a single solution, which is an empty list (one list with an empty list as its only item [ [] ]

, representing a solution to select 0 items from the list).

Thus, a list of three solutions is returned [[1,2], [1,3], [2,3]]




The main thing to notice here is the recursive nature of the problem.

How can we select i

items from a list?

  • If the list is empty, then there are no combinations. So this is not an interesting case.
  • If the list is not empty, we can either select the first element for our combination, or not
    • If we select it, we still have to select items i-1

      from the rest of the list
    • If we didn't select it, we still need to select i

      items from the rest of the list


[ y:ys | y:xs' <- tails xs, ys <- combination (i-1) xs']


  • Look at all the tails xs

    , that is, look at all the possibilities for choosing the first element for our combinationi

  • Select this first element as described above, we now have elements i-1

    , so we need to contact this element with combinations of elements i-1

    with the rest of the elements.


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