Excel VBA connecting to remote MySQL database

I am using OBDC connector to use VBA to connect to my MySQL database. It is currently running on a local web server (localhost), but is accessible from other computers on the network using the computer's IP address.

In my connect function, I had it localhost

as location, but when I change it to my IP, I get

[MySQL][ODBC 5.2 Driver] (my computer name) is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server


I assume this is a security issue. Any way to fix this?

Here is my join function:

Public Function OpenConnection() As ADODB.connection
    //This function requires the "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects" Library (Choose v2.8 from references for compatibility across Office versions)

    Dim source As String, location As String, user As String, password As String
    source = "MySQL"
    location = ""
    user = "root"
    password = ""
    database = "database name"
    mysql_driver = "MySQL ODBC 5.2 ANSI Driver"

    //Build the connection string
    Dim connectionString As String

    connectionString = "Driver={" & mysql_driver & "};Server=" & location & ";Database=" & database & ";UID=" & user & ";PWD=" & password

    //Create and open a new connection to the selected source
    Set OpenConnection = New ADODB.connection
    OpenConnection.CursorLocation = adUseClient
    Call OpenConnection.Open(connectionString)
End Function



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1 answer

You need to change your MySQL user account. You can change the locations with which users can connect and their credentials. Look at this post:

Allow all remote connections, MySQL



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