Correct Usage of Sets in Clojure Bron-Kerbosch Implementation

I am currently trying to efficiently and efficiently use sets and namespaces clojure.set

in my Clojure implementation of the Bron-Kerbosch algorithm and am having difficulty.

I am trying to refactor the current implementation

(defn BK [r p x graph]
  (if (and (empty? p) (empty? x))
    [(set r)]
    (loop [p p, x x, cliques []]
      (if (empty? p)
        (let [v (first p)
              nv (graph v)
              cliques (into cliques
                            (BK (into r (list v))
                                (filter nv p)
                                (filter nv x)
              p (rest p)
              x (into x (list v))]
          (recur p x cliques))))))


That which uses the namespace clojure.set

as such

(defn BK3 [r p x graph]
  (if (and (empty? p) (empty? x))
    [(set r)]
    (loop [p p, x x, cliques []]
      (if (empty? p)
        (let [v (first p)
              nv (graph v)
              cliques (into cliques
                            (BK3 (clojure.set/union (set (list v)) r)
                                 (clojure.set/difference p nv)
                                 (clojure.set/difference x nv)
              p (rest p)
              x (clojure.set/union (set (list v)) x)]
          (recur p x cliques))))))

(defn get-BK3 [graph]
  (BK3 (set '()) (set (doall (range (count graph)))) (set '()) graph))


Although this current implementation calls StackOverflow. Here is a short SSCCE with all the code you need to do the function evaluation .

If I put the form prn

in front of (if (empty? p))

the function, I see that the set p

changes once and never again, also that the set is x

never added. Then it is printed and repeated until a stack overflow occurs.

finalproject.core> (get-BK3 (random-graph 10 20))
"P: " #{0 7 1 4 6 3 2 9 5 8} " X: " #{}
"P: " #{0 7 4 6 3 2 9 8} " X: " #{}
"P: " #{0 7 4 6 3 2 9 8} " X: " #{}
"P: " #{0 7 4 6 3 2 9 8} " X: " #{}


This should mean that every recursive call will not remove BK3

the set p

from the set nv

? Although the clojure.set/difference

man page review should do just that? Did I read the page incorrectly or did I have a typo causing a stack overflow?

This is my first problem that I don't understand. My next problem is that first

and rest

sets ( #{0 1 2}

) do not return rather lists ( (0 1 2)

). Which, if the list is passed to any of the functions clojure.set

, errors are generated. Are there alternatives first

and rest

that return sets?

EDIT: Here is a pseudocode implementation from Wikipedia with the appropriate convention symbols. Think my interpretation of symbols might be wrong?

enter image description here


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3 answers

As @michat answered, in the wikipedia formula, the recursive call has a given intersection and does not set a difference that is not the same. In mathematics, the match function for clojure.set/difference

sets the complement .

For your question in first

and rest

with the help set

you can use first

which will give an element that is not needed in the following order (but it doesn't matter in the algo) and disj

to remove the selected element from the set.

Note that you can simplify (set '())

on #{}


Below is a working version c clojure.set

, with a very quick test / bench showing the performance improvement with the version set


(require '[clojure.set :as s])

(defn BK4 [r p x graph]
  (if (and (empty? p) (empty? x))
    [r] ;; r is already a set
    (loop [p p, x x, cliques []]
      (if (empty? p)
        (let [v (first p) ;; p is a set, first is not necessary the next in sequence
              nv (graph v) ;; take v-th set from graph
              cliques (concat cliques
                            (BK4 (conj r v) ;; add v to the set r
                                 (s/intersection p nv)
                                 (s/intersection x nv)
          (recur (disj p v) (conj x v) cliques))))))

(defn get-BK4 [graph]
  (BK4 #{} (set (range (count graph))) #{} graph))



(let [graph (doall (random-graph 1000 1000))
      bk (time (get-BK graph))
      bk4 (time (get-BK4 graph))]
  (if (= bk bk4)
    (println "Seems ok")
    (println "ko")))


Printing (on MBP 2.5 GHz Intel Core i7)

"Elapsed time: 243.533768 msecs"
"Elapsed time: 19.228952 msecs"
Seems good



  • The recursive call in the pseudocode version of this algorithm from Wikipedia uses the specified intersection, not the specified difference. You can use clojure.set/intersection

    to compute the intersection of two constant sets.

  • The set difference is used in the second line of the body for each cycle. In your code, there is a matching expression (rest p)

    , but this generates a seq of all p

    except elements (first p)

    , not a set. You want to use instead (disj p (first p))

    (or I suppose (disj p v)

    using the previously introduced local).

  • set/union

    and into

    are overkill for adding one item to a set - use conj




Since you have StackOverflow, then conceptually this can happen in your code:

(clojure.set/difference #{1,2,3,4,5} #{4})
#{1 3 2 5}
user> (clojure.set/difference #{1,2,3,5} #{4})
#{1 3 2 5}


where p

- #{1 2 3 4 5}

, a nv

- #{4}


In recursion, p becomes #{1 3 2 5}

, and then you get the same thing v

(because you don't have autopilot and therefore 4 wasn't v

before ..) and therefore the samenv


i.e. the first of the two sets is the same.

user> (first #{1 2 3 4 5})
user> (first #{ 1 2 3 5})


and again the same recursion .. and stackoverflow ..



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