Why is this sync example not working?

Playing with sync, I basically have two cuncurrent threads executing a method of the same object, but I'm probably getting something wrong.

Given this piece of code

public class Test {
    public static void main(String... args) throws InterruptedException{
        new Test();

    Test() throws InterruptedException{

        Stuff s = new Stuff();

        Th t1 = new Th(1,s);
        Th t2 = new Th(2,s);


class Stuff{
    public Integer count=0;

    void doStuff(int threadId){
        System.out.println(threadId + ": in doStuff");
        synchronized (count) {
            count += 100;

            if (threadId == 1) {
                try {Thread.sleep(3000);} 
                catch (InterruptedException e) {e.printStackTrace();}

            System.out.println(threadId + ": count = " + count);

class Th extends Thread{

    public Stuff s;
    public int id;

    public void run(){
        System.out.println(id+": thread run");

    Th(int id_,Stuff s_){
        System.out.println(id+": thread created");


I am getting this output

    1: thread created
    2: thread created
    1: thread run
    1: in doStuff
    2: thread run
    2: in doStuff
    2: count = 200
    1: count = 200

Why t1

does "200" print? Shouldn't you t2

wait t1

for a synchronized block to execute before being able to acquire a lock on count

and then execute the block?


source to share

1 answer

 synchronized (count) {
        count += 100;


This does not work.

You are syncing objects, not variables or fields.

Each time you zoom in count

, this field points to a different object Integer

. This way your synced block is using different monitors all the time.

You need to find a "stable" lock object like

 private final Object lockMonitor = new Object();


(then you can tell synchronized (lockMonitor){}




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