No StackTrace caught exception (ACRA) in LogCat IDE (Eclipse)

I am using ACRA lib to get my application crashes.

It works fine (I am getting crash reports on my server with stackTrace and logCat data). But in my IDE (Eclipse) in the logCat I only see this line when I throw an exception:

E / ACRA (18776): ACRA caught IndexOutOfBoundsException for com.example.myapp. Report creation.

So I can only read the stackTrace of the lingering error on my server ... And of course, if I disable ACRA initialization in my application, I can see the stackTrace throwing errors.

Also I am reading this one but it doesn't help me as I already have a "verbose" filter in logCat in my IDE (Eclipse).


As I understand this issue is caused by Android version> = 5 (Lolipop). I am testing on Nesus 4 ( ver 5.1 ) and on LG g3s, ver.5.0.2 . There is no stackTrace latching error on these devices in the logCat IDE. On devices with Android <5 (Lolipop) everything is logged and I can see the details of the errors in the logCat Eclipse.


If reading logs from cmd (adb logcat) everithing, everyone writes. So the problem is with Eclipse ...


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1 answer

If it shows up in the adb logcat then it is a problem with Eclipse or with your Eclipse config.



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