Knockout.js - how to cross-reference objects between two arrays

I have 2 models:

var ProductModel = function(productid, productname, producttypeid, productprice) {
  var self = this;
  self.ProductId = productid; 
  self.ProductName = productname;
  self.ProductTypeId = producttypeid;
  self.ProductPrice = productprice;



var ProductTypeModel= function(producttypeid, producttypename) {
  var self = this;
  self.ProductTypeId = producttypeid; 
  self.ProductTypeName = producttypename;


I use these in the viewmodel:

var ProductViewModel = function() {
  var self = this;
  self.ProductList = ko.observableArray([]);
  self.ProductTypeList = ko.observableArray([]);

  //...init 2 array and some misc methods


In the html file:

  <tbody data-bind="template: { name: 'row', foreach: ProductList }">
<script id="row" type="html/template">
    <td data-bind="html: ProductId"></td>
    <td data-bind="html: ProductName"></td>
    <td data-bind="html: ProductTypeId"></td> <!-- I stuck here!!! -->
    <td data-bind="html: ProductPrice"></td>


I want my table to display ProductTypeName instead of ProductTypeId, but I cannot pass ProductTypeId to any function to get ProductTypeName.


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2 answers

var ProductViewModel = function() {
  var self = this;
  self.ProductList = ko.observableArray([]);
  self.ProductTypeList = ko.observableArray([]);

  //...init 2 array and some misc methods

  self.getProductTypeName = function (productTypeId) {
    var typeId = ko.unwrap(productTypeId),
        found = ko.utils.arrayFirst(self.ProductTypeList(), function (productType) {
           return ko.unwrap(productType.ProductTypeId) === typeId;

    return found ? ko.unwrap(found.ProductTypeName) : null;



<script id="row" type="html/template">
    <td data-bind="html: ProductId"></td>
    <td data-bind="html: ProductName"></td>
    <td data-bind="html: $root.getProductTypeName(ProductTypeId)"></td>
    <td data-bind="html: ProductPrice"></td>




You have two independent collections that are related to each other. You can create a model that can manipulate this association through computed observables that display combined objects.

function ProductListModel (products, productTypes) {
    this.Products = ko.observableArray(
        ko.utils.arrayMap(products, function (product) {
            return new ProductModel(
    this.ProductTypes = ko.observableArray(
        ko.utils.arrayMap(productTypes, function (productType) {
            return new ProductTypeModel(

    this.AssociatedProducts = ko.dependentObservable(function () {
        var products = this.Products(),
            productTypes = this.ProductTypes();
        return ko.utils.arrayMap(products, function (product) {
            var productType = ko.utils.arrayFirst(productTypes, function (productType) {
                return product.ProductTypeId === productType.ProductTypeId;
            return {
                ProductId: product.ProductId,
                ProductName: product.ProductName,
                ProductType: productType.ProductTypeName,
                ProductPrice: product.ProductPrice,
    }, this);


function ViewModel(data) {
    var p = new ProductListModel(data.products, data.productTypes);
    this.Products = p.Products;
    this.ProductTypes = p.ProductTypes;
    this.AssociatedProducts = p.AssociatedProducts;


<tbody data-bind="template: { name: 'row', foreach: AssociatedProducts }">
<script id="row" type="html/template">
        <td data-bind="html: ProductId"></td>
        <td data-bind="html: ProductName"></td>
        <td data-bind="html: ProductType"></td>
        <td data-bind="html: ProductPrice"></td>





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