Add or remove items from a comma separated list

I am having problems adding and / or removing items from a comma separated list. I am using a form field <select>

to select which elements to add and / or remove.

<select name="choices[]" multiple>
    <option value="1">Option 1</option>
    <option value="2">Option 2</option>
    <option value="3">Option 3</option>
    <option value="4">Option 4</option>
    <option value="5">Option 5</option>
    <option value="6">Option 6</option>


// explode list from database (choices column)
$array = explode(',', $row->choices);

// loop through html select options
foreach(Input::get('choices') as $value)
    // add selected items
    if($value && !in_array($value, $array))
        $array[] = $value;

    // remove deselected items
    if(!$value && in_array($value, $array))
        $index = array_search($value, $array);

// re-delimit list; update database
$row->choices = trim(implode(',', $array), ',');


The function of adding items to the list works as intended. However, when you deselect items, it does not remove them from the list.

Any ideas?


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2 answers

As you step through Input::get('choices')

, this array only provides the user-selected items (which you would see if you printed it out). Input::get

doesn't know what possible values ​​were in your HTML; it only knows what values ​​were sent via HTTP GET.

So, your check for !$value

nothing - unselected values ​​just won't be processed at all. If the values ​​of the unselected values ​​started in the database, they will remain there.

Isn't it better to start from scratch $array

? Then just copy the elements into it Input::get('choices')

? Then save this to the database.



Values that are not selected will not be present Input::get('choices')

, so if you choose option 2 and option 3 Input::get('choices')

would only contain them: ["2", "3"]

. All you have to do is concatenate and store the values ​​from the query:

$choices = join(',', Input::get('choices'));
$row->choices = $choices;




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