Cake PhP 3 Saving related data in multiple levels

I have a data model where I register user-> client-> contactinfo-> email / phone

Each one is a different table with their respective controllers and all related.

When I try to save the user, I use the following code:

 $users = TableRegistry::get('Users');
        $user = $users->newEntity($data, [
            'associated' => ['Customers'],['Contactinfos'],['Phones'],['Emails']


But this only saves the user and the client.

This is the request data:

[customers] => Array
        [Customer] => Array
                [name] => stackovertest
                [last_name] => stackovertest
                [ssn] => stackovertest
                [address] => stackovertest
                [gender] => male
                [birth] => Array
                        [year] => 2015
                        [month] => 05
                        [day] => 20



[emails] => Array
        [Email] => Array
                [email] =>


[password] => stackovertest
[phones] => Array
        [Phone] => Array
                [number] => stackovertest


[role_id] => 0
[activation_code] => a026698222d0479252c2712d3d696fbcca8a766d
[tokentime] => 1432141608
[status] => 
[email] =>
[contactinfos] => Array
        [contactinfo] => Array




Basically the contactinfo table will have an id (auto-increment in the database) and a customer id. And every registered email and phone will have a contact information id.

This is the data of the $ user array:

App\Model\Entity\User Object
[new] => 1
[accessible] => Array
        [email] => 1
        [password] => 1
        [status] => 1
        [activation_code] => 1
        [tokentime] => 1
        [role_id] => 1
        [role] => 1
        [customers] => 1

[properties] => Array
        [customers] => Array
                [0] => App\Model\Entity\Customer Object
                        [new] => 1
                        [accessible] => Array
                                [name] => 1
                                [last_name] => 1
                                [ssn] => 1
                                [gender] => 1
                                [birth] => 1
                                [address] => 1
                                [user_id] => 1
                                [user] => 1
                                [aoffers] => 1
                                [hoffers] => 1
                                [poffers] => 1

                        [properties] => Array
                                [name] => stackovertest
                                [last_name] => stackovertest
                                [ssn] => stackovertest
                                [address] => stackovertest
                                [gender] => male
                                [birth] => Cake\I18n\Time Object
                                        [time] => 2015-05-20T00:00:00+0000
                                        [timezone] => UTC
                                        [fixedNowTime] => 


                        [dirty] => Array
                                [name] => 1
                                [last_name] => 1
                                [ssn] => 1
                                [address] => 1
                                [gender] => 1
                                [birth] => 1

                        [original] => Array

                        [virtual] => Array

                        [errors] => Array

                        [repository] => Customers


        [password] => stackovertest
        [role_id] => 0
        [activation_code] => a026698222d0479252c2712d3d696fbcca8a766d
        [tokentime] => 1432141608
        [status] => 
        [email] =>

[dirty] => Array
        [customers] => 1
        [password] => 1
        [role_id] => 1
        [activation_code] => 1
        [tokentime] => 1
        [status] => 1
        [email] => 1

[original] => Array

[virtual] => Array

[errors] => Array

[repository] => Users


You can see that it doesn't include the contactinfo object, so it won't save it.

How can I fix this? Or is there another way to store multiple levels of related data?


source to share

1 answer

Hey, I managed to fix this problem.

First, the save function should look like this:

        $user = $users->newEntity($data, [
            'associated' => ['Customers','Customers.Contactinfos','Customers.Contactinfos.Phones','Customers.Contactinfos.Emails']


Second, the request must respect all levels like this:

[customers] => Array
        [Customer] => Array
                [name] => test2
                [last_name] => test2
                [contactinfos] => Array
                        [Contactinfo] => Array
                                [emails] => Array
                                        [Email] => Array
                                                [address] => test2@test.test


                                [phones] => Array
                                        [Phone] => Array
                                                [number] => test2




                [ssn] => test2
                [address] => test2
                [gender] => male
                [birth] => Array
                        [year] => 2015
                        [month] => 05
                        [day] => 20



[password] => test2
[role_id] => 0
[activation_code] => 91c40a9979fcc564a5f27ff09317d6e2f4fdcd58
[tokentime] => 1432154711
[status] => 
[email] => test2@test.test


And my ctp looks like this:

    <legend><?= __('Add User') ?></legend>
    echo $this->Form->input('');
    echo $this->Form->input('customers.Customer.last_name');
    echo $this->Form->input('customers.Customer.contactinfos.Contactinfo.emails.Email.address', array('label' => 'Email'));
    echo $this->Form->input('password');
    echo $this->Form->input('customers.Customer.contactinfos.Contactinfo.phones.Phone.number',  array('label' => 'Phone'));
    echo $this->Form->input('customers.Customer.ssn', array('label' => 'Cedula'));
    echo $this->Form->input('customers.Customer.address');
    echo $this->Form->input('customers.Customer.gender', array(
        'options' => array('male' => 'Male','female' => 'Female')
    echo $this->Form->input('customers.Customer.birth');
    echo $this->Form->input('role_id', ['options' => $roles]);




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