In R, apply a cut (segmentation) of one vector to another

Here is an example of the problem I am having:

I have a vector v:

v <- 1:10


I can use Hmisc::cut2

to split it evenly into 5 groups for which I first need:

cut2(v, g=5)


To check:

table(cut2(v, g=5))
[1, 3) [3, 5) [5, 7) [7, 9) [9,10] 
2      2      2      2      2 


Now I have another vector:

v2 <- 1:8


I want to apply the same segment v to v2 that there are also 5 groups for v2, whereas the last group [9, 10] has 0 element. Is there an easy way to do this? Thank!


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2 answers

Another way is to use v2

for indexing fromcut2(v, g = 5)

table(cut2(v, g = 5)[v2])
# [1, 3) [3, 5) [5, 7) [7, 9) [9,10] 
#      2      2      2      2      0




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[ 1, 3) [ 3, 5) [ 5, 7) [ 7, 9) [ 9,10] 
    2       2       2       2       0 




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