C # asp.net button not displaying shortcut

I am creating a simple invoice calculator. When the count button is pressed, the label will display the total. For some reason, the button does nothing. I am not getting any errors in my code. Any help is appreciated.

    protected void btnCalc_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (IsValid)

    decimal tips = Convert.ToDecimal(txtTips.Text);
    decimal meals = Convert.ToDecimal(txtMeals.Text);
    decimal buffets = Convert.ToDecimal(txtBuffets.Text);
    string fname = txtFirstName.Text;
    string tnumber = txtTableNumber.Text;
    decimal mealsvalue = meals * 16.99M;
    decimal buffetsvalue = buffets * 11.5M;
    decimal tax = 0;
    decimal walkR = 0;
    decimal phoneR = 0;

    if (rblTax.SelectedValue == "Tax")
       tax = .06M;

    if (rblReservation.SelectedValue == "Walk-in")
        decimal subtotal = walkR + mealsvalue + buffetsvalue;
        decimal taxvalue = subtotal * tax;
        decimal total = walkR + mealsvalue + buffetsvalue + taxvalue + tips;
        lblSummary.Text = "First name is " + fname + " Table number is " + tnumber + " Walk in cost is " + walkR + " Cost of meals is " + mealsvalue +
        " Cost of buffets is " + buffetsvalue + " Tax is " + taxvalue + " Tip is " + tips + " Total is " + total;
    else if (rblReservation.SelectedValue == "Phone")
        phoneR = 3;
        decimal subtotal = phoneR + mealsvalue + buffetsvalue;
        decimal taxvalue = subtotal * tax;
        decimal total = phoneR + mealsvalue + buffetsvalue + tax + tips;
        lblSummary.Text = "First name is " + fname + " Table number is " + tnumber + " Phone reservation cost is " + phoneR + " Cost of meals is " + mealsvalue +
        " Cost of buffets is " + buffetsvalue + " Tax is " + tax + " Tip is " + tips + " Total is " + total;
        lblSummary.Text = "Please fill out the information";



<asp:Button ID="btnCalc" runat="server" Text="Bill" />
    <br />
    <asp:Label ID="lblSummary" runat="server"></asp:Label>



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2 answers

It looks like your ASP.NET code section is missing OnClick.

<asp:Button ID="btnCalc" runat="server" Text="Bill" OnClick="btnCalc_Click"/>



To fix another problem, instead of converting to decimal, try parsing as shown below,

decimal tips = 0;
bool result = decimal.TryParse(txtTips.Text, out tips);

if (result)
 //txtTips.Text has a valid decimal value. You can proceed with your logic.




You need to tell the Button declaration which event handler to use. In this case, the event handler OnClick

, and the event function btnCalc_Click


Alternatively, add an OnClick event to that button declaration like this.

<asp:Button ID="btnCalc" runat="server" Text="Bill" OnClick="btnCalc_Click" />



Provide an event to your button using C # code in an event page_load

like this.

btnCalc.Click += btnCalc_Click;




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