Import css file as block level import using less
Is there a way to insert the .css file rules under the selector using @import
how you can when importing the .less file?
If you have a file, "x.less"
#x {
color: #000;
and the file "main.less"
.scope {
@import "x.less";
compiling the results of "main.less" into
.scope #x {
color: #000;
However, if you have "Y.css"
#y {
color: #111;
and change "main.less" to
.scope {
@import "y.css";
compiling the results of "main.less" into
.scope {
@import "y.css";
And if you have "Z.css"
#z {
color: #222;
and change "main.less" to
.scope {
@import (inline) "z.css";
compiling the results of "main.less" into
.scope {
#z {
color: #222;
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