Error when modifying Postgres JSON field in Rails 3.2

I am trying to use a JSON field type (Postgres 9.3, not JSONB) in a Rails 3.2 application.

I created a field with the following migration with no problem:

def change
  add_column :blocks, :meta, :json


However, when I try to change the field like this:

b.meta = {name: "John"}


I am getting the following error:

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PGError: ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type json
LINE 1: UPDATE "blocks" SET "meta" = '---


I'm not even sure if the JSON type is supported in Rails 3.2, but I've seen some posts talk about it ASAP (although there are no details on how it works).


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1 answer

I think you are correct that ActiveRecord in Rails 3 does not support JSON. The reason for your error is that given a complex data type (in this case Hash), ActiveRecord serializes it to a string first, and the default serialization is YAML. This is what ---

in your error message is the YAML header.

A quick solution is to convert the Hash to JSON before assigning it to your attribute:

hsh = { name: "John" }
b.meta = hsh.to_json


It will get tiresome quickly. Instead, you can tell ActiveRecord to use JSON instead of YAML when serializing this attribute:

class Block < ActiveRecord::Base
  serialize :meta, JSON




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